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Alex_de_Large 04-11-2005 09:24 AM

Bonuses heating up?
An article (requires login) in today's Legal Intelligencer discusses the "heating up" of the Philadelphia area bonus structure among big firms. Granted, it's April, so the actual size of bonuses is complete conjecture. Still, it's nice to see someone discussing an upswing, given the desert of the past few years. Stay tuned.

baltassoc 08-04-2005 11:11 AM

Reed Smith on Mergers
Interesting article on Gregory Jordan, Reed Smith's managing partner, talking about further mergers in the industry.

I also hear rumor that RS is in preliminary discussions with a mid-size Chicago firm. More details as I get them.

baltassoc 08-08-2005 10:22 AM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by baltassoc
Interesting article on Gregory Jordan, Reed Smith's managing partner, talking about further mergers in the industry.

I also hear rumor that RS is in preliminary discussions with a mid-size Chicago firm. More details as I get them.
I'm now hearing that the Reed Smith - Wildman Harrold merger is all but done, but for the final partnership votes.

Is Reed Smith on the fast track to become the next [shudder] Piper?

Hank Chinaski 09-02-2005 03:24 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by baltassoc
I'm now hearing that the Reed Smith - Wildman Harrold merger is all but done, but for the final partnership votes.

Is Reed Smith on the fast track to become the next [shudder] Piper?
what were bouses like last year?

Penske_Account 09-02-2005 03:37 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
what were bouses like last year?
What's a bouses?

Southern Patriot 09-02-2005 03:39 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by Penske_Account
What's a bouses?
He meant "Blouses".

Penske_Account 09-02-2005 03:52 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by Southern Patriot
He meant "Blouses".
Ah, got it.

baltassoc 09-02-2005 03:56 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by Southern Patriot
He meant "Blouses".
There seems to be a trend toward the knit blouse over the more traditional, but frumpy, silk. Also, lots of nice starched cotton dress shirts with french cuffs.

Shouldn't this be on the fb?

Penske_Account 09-02-2005 03:57 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by baltassoc
There seems to be a trend toward the knit blouse over the more traditional, but frumpy, silk. Also, lots of nice starched cotton dress shirts with french cuffs.

Shouldn't this be on the fb?
this isnt?

baltassoc 10-05-2005 04:42 PM

Reed Smith on Mergers

Originally posted by baltassoc
I'm now hearing that the Reed Smith - Wildman Harrold merger is all but done, but for the final partnership votes.

Is Reed Smith on the fast track to become the next [shudder] Piper?
Since I seem to care and [sigh] no one else seems to -

The Reed Smith takeover of Wildman appears to be off, possiblly due to several large clients refusing to waive conflicts.

mommylawyer 10-11-2005 04:11 PM

Nothing to add..just wanted to say hi and see how the twins are doing?

baltassoc 10-11-2005 04:20 PM


Originally posted by mommylawyer
Nothing to add..just wanted to say hi and see how the twins are doing?
Good to see you pop up. The twins are doing well, all things considered. Feel free to PM for details, as the board is tired of hearing about it.

Hope all is well with you.

mommylawyer 12-09-2005 08:52 PM

MD Attorney General Office
Any insight, horror stories etc? How do they determine placement on the pay scale - class year, hiring AG choice? Agency placement - good, bad, indifferent?


Ex_post_Festo 03-10-2006 01:40 PM

This Thread's Not Dead Yet... [Klunk]
Any recent info on salary structure among leading Pittsburgh firms? Most of what I've seen is stale. Was there any response to recent increases? Not that I'm expecting reports of $145k to start, but any info would be appreciated.

learnedmano 03-10-2006 01:53 PM

Pittsburgh Salaries
From today's Pittsburgh Business Times: New 1L salaries for Pittsburgh offices of large firms --

Reed Smith -- $120,000, effective July 1 (vs. $125,000 in Philly)
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart -- no comment (2005 was $110,000; surely it will match Reed Smith)
Morgan Lewis -- $135,000 (I believe retro to January 1)
Buchanan Ingersoll -- $115,000 (effective March 7)
Pepper Hamilton -- $125,000 (March 1)

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