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ltl/fb 05-25-2008 05:30 PM

I don't know what it's called to search for it
OK, so the new toy has one of those thingies that goes between it and the TV -- on the TV end, there are three dealie-boppers that are white, red and yellow. The DVD thingy has the same thing. But, the TV only has one place to input this. Am I doomed to unplugging and replugging whenever I want to watch a movie on a break from quality time with my new boyfriend Mario? Or is there some kind of adapter (adaptor?) that will give some kind of shortcut?

The TV was purchased in like 2000. I will need to get a new one at some point, I suppose, b/c of HD. I don't have cable or satellite and don't try to pick up the signals that come through the air, though, so really I just use it for DVD and now games. I think that means I can hold off on the purchase for a while. Which is good, because judging from the discussions on here, it seems like I could make a very wrong decision on the TV so very, very easily.

Anyway, just want to check on the necessity for pulling out and then putting back those plugs into the three holes.

Icky Thump 05-25-2008 06:19 PM

I don't know what it's called to search for it

Originally posted by ltl/fb
OK, so the new toy has one of those thingies that goes between it and the TV -- on the TV end, there are three dealie-boppers that are white, red and yellow. The DVD thingy has the same thing. But, the TV only has one place to input this. Am I doomed to unplugging and replugging whenever I want to watch a movie on a break from quality time with my new boyfriend Mario? Or is there some kind of adapter (adaptor?) that will give some kind of shortcut?

The TV was purchased in like 2000. I will need to get a new one at some point, I suppose, b/c of HD. I don't have cable or satellite and don't try to pick up the signals that come through the air, though, so really I just use it for DVD and now games. I think that means I can hold off on the purchase for a while. Which is good, because judging from the discussions on here, it seems like I could make a very wrong decision on the TV so very, very easily.

Anyway, just want to check on the necessity for pulling out and then putting back those plugs into the three holes.
Is the TV color?

Atticus Grinch 05-25-2008 06:20 PM

I don't know what it's called to search for it

Originally posted by ltl/fb
OK, so the new toy has one of those thingies that goes between it and the TV -- on the TV end, there are three dealie-boppers that are white, red and yellow. The DVD thingy has the same thing. But, the TV only has one place to input this. Am I doomed to unplugging and replugging whenever I want to watch a movie on a break from quality time with my new boyfriend Mario? Or is there some kind of adapter (adaptor?) that will give some kind of shortcut?

The TV was purchased in like 2000. I will need to get a new one at some point, I suppose, b/c of HD. I don't have cable or satellite and don't try to pick up the signals that come through the air, though, so really I just use it for DVD and now games. I think that means I can hold off on the purchase for a while. Which is good, because judging from the discussions on here, it seems like I could make a very wrong decision on the TV so very, very easily.

Anyway, just want to check on the necessity for pulling out and then putting back those plugs into the three holes.
Radio Shack sells switches for these (called RCA connectors). You might also be able to find them at Best Buy and the like of that.

ltl/fb 05-26-2008 12:13 AM

I don't know what it's called to search for it

Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Radio Shack sells switches for these (called RCA connectors). You might also be able to find them at Best Buy and the like of that.
Thanks! Now I know what to look for.

My boyfriend Mario is in full color (red AND blue), tyvm, icky.

Icky Thump 06-09-2008 02:53 PM

World says 'meh' to 3g iphone
Trade Research Add to Watch List Detailed Quote Option Chain
Last [Tick] 181.46[ + ]
Change -4.18
% Change -2.25%
Bid 181.43
Bid Size 4
Ask 181.46
Ask Size 2
Open 184.79
Volume 48,586,996
Day High 184.94
Day Low 175.75
Previous Close 185.64
Prev. Close Date 06/06/2008

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 06-09-2008 02:56 PM

World says 'meh' to 3g iphone

Originally posted by Icky Thump
Trade Research Add to Watch List Detailed Quote Option Chain
Last [Tick] 181.46[ + ]
Change -4.18
% Change -2.25%
what were the jackasses who bought up AAPL last week expecting?

Typical buy the rumor sell the news.

Hank Chinaski 06-21-2008 09:35 AM

Paging burger
we have 3 mac laptops and agree that all of them do not hold a charge as long as they once did. is there some upkeep or replacement to the batteries that we should de doing?

Atticus Grinch 06-21-2008 11:40 AM

Paging burger

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
we have 3 mac laptops and agree that all of them do not hold a charge as long as they once did. is there some upkeep or replacement to the batteries that we should de doing?
Like all rechargeables, it can handle a certain number of discharge/recharge cycles before it poops out with declining performance. I don't think there's really anything you can practically do to make it last. It's a consumable. I replaced my PB battery after 2.5 years or so.

Open the never-used Application called Terminal and type "ioreg -l | grep Capacity". The returned values will tell you your current cycle count as well as your battery's current capacity. Or just order a new battery on Amazon. It will cost you about $120 if you don't shop around, and maybe $90 if you do.

Icky Thump 06-21-2008 03:08 PM

Paging burger

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
we have 3 mac laptops and agree that all of them do not hold a charge as long as they once did. is there some upkeep or replacement to the batteries that we should de doing?
Conditioning the battery helps a little. That means running it all the way down, then charging it fully.

Seems easier to just buy a new battery.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 06-21-2008 09:53 PM

Paging burger

Originally posted by Icky Thump
Conditioning the battery helps a little. That means running it all the way down, then charging it fully.

Seems easier to just buy a new battery.
I would try this first to see if it improves things significantly. If not, buy a new battery, as Atticus says.

ltl/fb 06-21-2008 11:44 PM

Okami help
OK, so what area of Craigslist would I advertise on to get someone to do Catcall Tower on Okami on my Wii for me? And is it fair to pay only for completion? I am getting serious carpal tunnel from trying.

Hank Chinaski 06-22-2008 01:44 PM

Okami help

Originally posted by ltl/fb
OK, so what area of Craigslist would I advertise on to get someone to do Catcall Tower on Okami on my Wii for me? And is it fair to pay only for completion? I am getting serious carpal tunnel from trying.
you think ass exercises will help?

John Phoenix 06-22-2008 05:49 PM

Okami help

Originally posted by ltl/fb
OK, so what area of Craigslist would I advertise on to get someone to do Catcall Tower on Okami on my Wii for me? And is it fair to pay only for completion? I am getting serious carpal tunnel from trying.
On a related note, how do you like the Wii? Have you played Rockstar on it? Or Guitar Hero?

ltl/fb 06-22-2008 08:46 PM

Okami help

Originally posted by John Phoenix
On a related note, how do you like the Wii? Have you played Rockstar on it? Or Guitar Hero?
I think Rockstar just came out (today? yesterday? tomorrow) and I have not played it. I like Guitar Hero. I like bowling. I like Mario. But, more than any of those, I like Okami and I'm stuck. How much will it cost to get someone to do this for me? $30? If they have done it and have the knack, it should take like 5 min.

John Phoenix 06-22-2008 10:35 PM

Okami help

Originally posted by ltl/fb
I think Rockstar just came out (today? yesterday? tomorrow) and I have not played it. I like Guitar Hero. I like bowling. I like Mario. But, more than any of those, I like Okami and I'm stuck. How much will it cost to get someone to do this for me? $30? If they have done it and have the knack, it should take like 5 min.
Sounds good. We walked by the Wii in some store, or maybe it was Guitar Hero or Rock Star, and my wife and I talked about getting it. She said that it would be more time in front of the tv (which caught me off guard, as she is the tv person of the two of us), and I said that that we already spend time in front of the tv; this would be a nice alternative to just watching whatever is on.

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