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Tyrone Slothrop 11-21-2007 08:22 PM

PaigowPrincess does Paultards

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
politics are not her avenue, i don't think it's her.
Doesn't sound like her either.

Diane_Keaton 11-22-2007 10:51 AM

Van der Sleuths
So Aruba has arrested the 3 boys again and at the same time, Natalee Holloway's Dad just shelled out money to hire guys to do a search of waters in Aruba even though searches were already done. The reason given was new evidence.

Anyone have any insight into the latest developments? Counsel for one of the boys is poo-pooing the rearrest but wouldn't it seem that Aruba prosecutors have something big to get the judge to allow a re-arrest? And the rearrest coming on the heels of the Dad's renewed search in the water?

sgtclub 11-23-2007 11:04 AM

Iraq - Progress
This sounds like real progress:

Gattigap 11-23-2007 11:16 AM

His Taco with Tancredo
Tom Tancredo clearly doesn't know that Joel Stein's singular role at the LA Times is to be a wise-ass columnist - if he did, he'd never have agreed to sit down to lunch with the man. Personally, I blame Tancredo's staff.

At any rate, it results in a couple of good lines in Stein's piece.
  • Inever thought GOP presidential candidate Tom Tancredo would eat Mexican food with me. The Colorado congressman has proposed anti-immigration legislation so draconian that he's been banned from the White House and called a "nut" by Jeb Bush. And I definitely never thought Tancredo would tell me that Mexican is his favorite cuisine. That was like finding out that CNN's Nancy Grace gets turned on by violent criminals. Only surprising.

    Tancredo agreed to our Mexican lunch during a campaign sweep through Iowa last month. But the night before our appointment, I found out he was already headed to Mami's Authentic Mexican Food in Muscatine for dinner. The man was planning two Mexican meals in a row. I had little to teach him.

    On my way to Mami's, however, I got a call from his aide. A local Republican had tipped Tancredo off to the fact that Mami's owners marched in the Great American Boycott on May Day 2006. So Tancredo was now driving all the way to Davenport to go to Carlos O'Kelly's Mexican Cafe instead. If his campaign staff was as skilled at finding voters as Mexican restaurants in Iowa, Tancredo would win the nomination.

    Carlos O'Kelly's makes the finest Mexican food with an Irish flair of any chain restaurant in Iowa. The enchiladas came with a sort of hollandaise sauce that constituted a greater insult to Mexicans than anything Tancredo has ever said.
I thought the name of this place was a joke, but apparently there actually is such a chain, located primarily in the Midwest. NotBob? Are these guys a client together with Piggly Wiggly?


LessinSF 11-25-2007 06:09 AM

Iraq - Progress

Originally posted by sgtclub
This sounds like real progress:
It appears, up to a point - .

sebastian_dangerfield 11-25-2007 12:26 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by ironweed
Bush has been making us look bad for years among casual observers around the world by just being an inarticulate idiot. That's one thing - it's personality-based, it's specific to him, and I would have hoped that our image would get a bit better with someone else at the helm and on the news all the time. But being a complete and utter hypocrite about promoting the idea of democracy overseas is going to do much more lasting damage to American credibility, or what's left of it, than his casual idiocy could ever do.
Understood, but the devil you know is always preferable when dealing with a nation full of idiot fundamentalists and nuclear bombs. He really has no choice here but to get behind Musharraf.

And every Democrat should be damn glad he did. If Musharraf fell and some pack of religious buffoons were to somehow get the reins of that nation, protecting us from Pakistan and its nukes would be the battle cry Rudy rode into the White House by the biggest margin in recent electoral memory.

Be happy Bush is keeping the status quo. The Democratic Party is always one globally destabilizing and frightening incident from irrelevance. As long as Iraq and the economy remain the main issues, however, it has a pretty rosy future.

sebastian_dangerfield 11-25-2007 12:40 PM

I'm a faithful follower of Brother John Birch.

Originally posted by Not Bob
Indeed. We all know that Ike was (as Robert Welch, head of the John Birch Society, put it) a "conscious, dedicated agent of the Communist Conspiracy."
I don't know. I'd say "oracle" fits more these days.

You can all call me crazy, and you'd be right in a lot of regards, but I really believe that Bush and Cheney put us over there knowing it would lead to our decades long presence in the Middle East because they believe we have to eternally engage that part of the world, and it happens to suit the interest of their party and their benefactors.

They had to know this was not a war we'd end quickly.

They bought forty more years of relevance for the right wing of the GOP and the defense industry. The war in Iraq:

1. Pump primes sectors of the the economy that donate heavily to the GOP;
2. Promotes nationalism among their rabid base;
3. Provides a rallying point the economic and social conservatives can both get behind; and
4. Replaces the Southern Strategy that is no longer working with a perpetual argument that they are the party of choice in times of conflict.

Maybe I'm nuts, or maybe this is obvious.

sgtclub 11-25-2007 01:20 PM

Iraq - Progress

Originally posted by LessinSF
It appears, up to a point - .
Wasn't trying to paint a rosy picture. It's just seems that there is a consensus starting to build that there has been real progress over the last few months. Even the DEM candidates are starting to hedge/re-message on Iraq.

taxwonk 11-25-2007 05:52 PM

Iraq - Progress

Originally posted by sgtclub
Wasn't trying to paint a rosy picture. It's just seems that there is a consensus starting to build that there has been real progress over the last few months. Even the DEM candidates are starting to hedge/re-message on Iraq.
We are never getting out. Never.

Hank Chinaski 11-25-2007 10:20 PM

Iraq - Progress

Originally posted by taxwonk
We are never getting out. Never.
if algore is right, the whole place will be under water in 25 years.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-25-2007 10:55 PM

Iraq - Progress

Originally posted by sgtclub
Wasn't trying to paint a rosy picture. It's just seems that there is a consensus starting to build that there has been real progress over the last few months. Even the DEM candidates are starting to hedge/re-message on Iraq.
There seems to have been tactical gains, but there's no apparent strategic progress. If the progress of the war were measured by casualties, you'd think things go a lot worse on D-Day instead of better.

And the Democratic candidates are a terrible bellwether of what's happening.

Diane_Keaton 11-26-2007 09:20 AM

This is a fake or doctored pic

Tyrone Slothrop 11-26-2007 10:52 AM

This is a fake or doctored pic

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton

Replaced_Texan 11-26-2007 11:28 AM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Understood, but the devil you know is always preferable when dealing with a nation full of idiot fundamentalists and nuclear bombs. He really has no choice here but to get behind Musharraf.

And every Democrat should be damn glad he did. If Musharraf fell and some pack of religious buffoons were to somehow get the reins of that nation, protecting us from Pakistan and its nukes would be the battle cry Rudy rode into the White House by the biggest margin in recent electoral memory.

Be happy Bush is keeping the status quo. The Democratic Party is always one globally destabilizing and frightening incident from irrelevance. As long as Iraq and the economy remain the main issues, however, it has a pretty rosy future.
Neither Butro nor the fasting cricket captain seem particularly like religious baffoons.

futbol fan 11-26-2007 11:38 AM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
the devil you know is always preferable when dealing with a nation full of idiot fundamentalists and nuclear bombs.
True. I hear the Europeans are hoping for a Republican victory.

Diane_Keaton 11-26-2007 01:08 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Neither Butro nor the fasting cricket captain seem particularly like religious baffoons.
She's steeped in fanatical Islamicism, and she and her family are so corrupt, they are basically the reason why Pakistan usually ties with Nigeria for "most corrupt country in the word". Even good ole neutral Switzerland went after her to have her indicted for corruption (the results of which naturally landed in Swiss banks). On her Islamicist connections, look at her appointment of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence - General Hamid Gul. Yes, the U.S. worked with him during the Soviet/Afghan occupation but no doubt about it, her appointment has shown his true colors and is not only fanatically Muslim but the kind that wears a tin foil hat under his round cap. He PeterThottam-like blamed the jews for 9/11 (on 9/11 mind you) and then said the U.S. was in on it. He also urges Muslims everywhere in the world to object to the American war against terror b/c he thinks it's a war against Muslims. Quote: "Let's destroy America wherever its troops are trapped." Lovely.

Bhutto is so much more corrupt than Musharaf and now she's probably going to run along with Sharif, a/k/a the one who made Pakistan a nuke nation. It will be all about money again and she'll let any fundamentalist group do what it wants as long she continues siphoning massive amounts of money. What a mess. There is a reason I've had Musharraf on my Celebrity Death Pool list for 3 years straight.

SlaveNoMore 11-26-2007 04:55 PM

For Spanky
This means nothing - perhaps even less than nothing because it's Zogby - but her "inevitable win", according to you, is looking ever less so, primarily because of the kooks on the far-Left:


Democrat Hillary Clinton would lose to all major Republican White House candidates, according to a hypothetical election matchup poll Monday, reversing her months of dominance over potential 2008 challengers.

The Zogby International poll was the latest sign that withering attacks on the former first lady were chipping away at her opinion poll leads just 38 days before the Iowa caucuses, the first party nominating contests.

In the new survey, Clinton trailed Senator John McCain 42 percent to 38 percent, former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani by 43 percent to 40 percent and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney by 43 percent to 40 percent.

She also lagged behind former Arkansas Republican governor Mike Huckabee by 44 to 39 percent, and former Senator Fred Thompson by 44 to 40 percent in hypothetical general election matchups.

Clinton's top Democratic challengers Barack Obama and John Edwards however would still beat their hypothetical Republican rivals in potential 2008 contests.

In July, Clinton held a five point lead in the same poll over Giuliani, edged out McCain by two points and had a clear lead over other contenders.

A Rasmussen poll last week had Clinton also falling behind Giuliani in a hypothetical matchup of the November 2008 general election, and narrowly beaten by McCain.

An average of all previous similar polls gives Clinton a narrow lead over possible Republican candidates.

While the US political system of awarding delegates by state in a general election would not necessarily translate into a Clinton election defeat on the basis of the poll, it may provide more fodder for her opponents.

Clinton has repeatedly portrayed herself as the most electable Democratic candidate who could stand up to Republican assaults in a general election.

But Obama and Edwards are increasingly starting to challenge that claim, as the race heats up, as other polls suggest that Clinton's clear lead in the Democratic White House race may be narrowing.

The Zogby poll was conducted online among 9,150 likely voters across the United States between November 21 and 26, and carried a margin of error of plus or minus 1 percentage point.

sebastian_dangerfield 11-26-2007 05:06 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Neither Butro nor the fasting cricket captain seem particularly like religious baffoons.
Agreed. But they also don't seem as strong and willing to crush and kill Islamists to stay in power as Musharraf is.

Sometimes, you need a despot. Granted, Musharraf isn't the strongest leader for that title, but you take the cards you're given. He's predictable and buyable and in that part of the world, that's as close to a synonym for "depandable" as you can find.

Which leads me to some uncomfortable questions about why bib Laden has free run of the provinces, allegedly. I have to believe that some of the $10bil we give Musharraf could buy bin laden's capture, and I wonder exactly how Musharraf manages the high wire act of taking the money and telling us to fuck off on the bin Laden search.

I've read blogs and web stuff on the area and the players, but its all contradictory gibberish, and none of it asks the biggest question - whether Bush is really even committing any serious efforts toward capturing bin laden, or instead letting him run loose for a variety of reasons many could speculate about until the conspiracy theory centers of their brains exploded.

And with that run on sentence, now I'm done.

sebastian_dangerfield 11-26-2007 05:10 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by ironweed
True. I hear the Europeans are hoping for a Republican victory.
The funny thing is, that might be true on one level. Some would argue, but there's a consistency in "crazy" you don't find in wonky or "open to suggestion."

sebastian_dangerfield 11-26-2007 05:12 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
This means nothing - perhaps even less than nothing because it's Zogby - but her "inevitable win", according to you, is looking ever less so, primarily because of the kooks on the far-Left:
Ah, but run her with Obama as VP and see where those #s go.

Breck boy's cooked after Iowa.

LessinSF 11-26-2007 05:20 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
This means nothing - perhaps even less than nothing because it's Zogby - but her "inevitable win", according to you, is looking ever less so, primarily because of the kooks on the far-Left:
But for those who beleive in efficient markets, Ladbrokes is still heavily favoring Hillary:

Hilary Clinton 1/2
Rudolph Giuliani 7/2
Mitt Romney 11/2
Barack Obama 8/1
Ron Paul 14/1
Fred Thompson 22/1
John Edwards 25/1
John McCain 33/1
Mike Huckabee 33/1
Bill Richardson 50/1
Condoleezza Rice 66/1
Christopher Dodd 100/1
Dennis Kucinich 125/1
Joe Biden 125/1
Sam Brownback 125/1
Duncan Hunter 150/1
Mike Gravel 150/1
Tom Tancredo 250/1

SlaveNoMore 11-26-2007 05:23 PM

For Spanky

But for those who beleive in efficient markets, Ladbrokes is still heavily favoring Hillary:

Hilary Clinton 1/2
Rudolph Giuliani 7/2
Mitt Romney 11/2
Barack Obama 8/1
Ron Paul 14/1
Fred Thompson 22/1
John Edwards 25/1
John McCain 33/1
Mike Huckabee 33/1
Bill Richardson 50/1
Condoleezza Rice 66/1
Christopher Dodd 100/1
Dennis Kucinich 125/1
Joe Biden 125/1
Sam Brownback 125/1
Duncan Hunter 150/1
Mike Gravel 150/1
Tom Tancredo 250/1
Any bookie that has Ron Paul paying 14/1 is about as respectible as ...well... Zogby.

Gattigap 11-26-2007 05:23 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by LessinSF
But for those who beleive in efficient markets, Ladbrokes is still heavily favoring Hillary:

Hilary Clinton 1/2
Rudolph Giuliani 7/2
Mitt Romney 11/2
Barack Obama 8/1
Ron Paul 14/1
Fred Thompson 22/1
John Edwards 25/1
John McCain 33/1
Mike Huckabee 33/1
Bill Richardson 50/1
Condoleezza Rice 66/1
Christopher Dodd 100/1
Dennis Kucinich 125/1
Joe Biden 125/1
Sam Brownback 125/1
Duncan Hunter 150/1
Mike Gravel 150/1
Tom Tancredo 250/1
The shocking part of that listing of odds is how far Paul has moved up the chart. Demonstrably better chances than Thompson, Edwards or McCain? Really?

futbol fan 11-26-2007 05:30 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Any bookie that has Ron Paul paying 14/1 is about as respectible as ...well... Zogby.
2. They're only paying 2.75 for a Werder Bremen win at home to Real Madrid. Scandalous.

SlaveNoMore 11-26-2007 05:39 PM

For Spanky

2. They're only paying 2.75 for a Werder Bremen win at home to Real Madrid. Scandalous.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-26-2007 05:44 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Any bookie that has Ron Paul paying 14/1 is about as respectible as ...well... Zogby.
So Ron Paul has just disproven efficient market theory?

futbol fan 11-26-2007 06:04 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
So Ron Paul has just disproven efficient market theory?
Ladbrokes is shite. For the real sportsman's line ye have to be goin to de biys dere at Paddy Power.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-26-2007 06:06 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Which leads me to some uncomfortable questions about why bib Laden has free run of the provinces, allegedly.
The central government has never had control of those provinces.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-26-2007 06:07 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by Gattigap
The shocking part of that listing of odds is how far Paul has moved up the chart. Demonstrably better chances than Thompson, Edwards or McCain? Really?
Better chances of Ladbrokes taking money from Paul backers, anyway.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-26-2007 06:08 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by ironweed
Ladbrokes is shite. For the real sportsman's line ye have to be goin to de biys dere at Paddy Power.
OK, I understand. This one's a survey of the idiot vote. Still, shouldn't that be a good predictor for much of the south?

sebastian_dangerfield 11-26-2007 06:39 PM

For Spanky

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
So Ron Paul has just disproven efficient market theory?
His numbers are tacked to the price of gold. It's almost the holidays. He'll be back around 679/1 come Jan 2.

sebastian_dangerfield 11-26-2007 06:42 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
The central government has never had control of those provinces.
Well, if we'd give them 25bil and pegged it to that task, I'm sure they could make a start.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-26-2007 06:43 PM

A Whole Lotta Something
Any reactions to Lott stepping down? Seems a lot of the old Senate hands on the Republican side are retiring - does anyone think some new blood will have a chance of reinvigorating the party, or is it just going to be more of the same?

SlaveNoMore 11-26-2007 06:47 PM

A Whole Lotta Something

Any reactions to Lott stepping down? Seems a lot of the old Senate hands on the Republican side are retiring - does anyone think some new blood will have a chance of reinvigorating the party, or is it just going to be more of the same?
Who knows. But Lott was a greedy earmark motherfucker who was part of a larger problem, so - other than perhaps further weakening our numbers - godspeed.

PS - Once again, I'm criticizing a member of my own party when appropriate. Lefties, take note.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-26-2007 06:53 PM

A Whole Lotta Something

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Who knows. But Lott was a greedy earmark motherfucker who was part of a larger problem, so - other than perhaps further weakening our numbers - godspeed.

PS - Once again, I'm criticizing a member of my own party when appropriate. Lefties, take note.
It won't weaken the Republican numbers. The odds of a Democrat winning a senate seat in Mississippi are right up there with Ron Paul winning the White House.

The more interesting question is whether the next Senator from Mississippi is going to add to the creationist caucus.

Replaced_Texan 11-26-2007 06:56 PM

A Whole Lotta Something

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Any reactions to Lott stepping down? Seems a lot of the old Senate hands on the Republican side are retiring - does anyone think some new blood will have a chance of reinvigorating the party, or is it just going to be more of the same?
I think the new lobbying rules go into effect January 1. After that, there's a bit of a wait before a member of the Senate can go work on K street. I wonder if anyone else will do the math and realize if they're thinking about getting out, now is the time.

I don't really think that Lott's departure is going to change anything in terms of numbers. It's not like Mississippi is the bastion of liberalism. OTOH, it's what, six Republican Senators now that have announced their retirements? I suppose it will depend on who ends up running for / winning their seats.

I know my industry is looking for leadership that is prepared for major, major change in health care in the next few years. We're all pretty sure that the status quo isn't going to be maintained, even if the Republicans maintain the White House. The problem is that no one has a clue which direction health care is going to change.

SlaveNoMore 11-26-2007 07:03 PM

A Whole Lotta Something

I think the new lobbying rules go into effect January 1. After that, there's a bit of a wait before a member of the Senate can go work on K street. I wonder if anyone else will do the math and realize if they're thinking about getting out, now is the time.

Lott is leaving on 12/31, which, from what I'm reading, will force a replacement election within 90 days, whereas if he left on 1/1, they could just appoint a successor to serve through 2008.

Hank Chinaski 11-26-2007 07:48 PM

A Whole Lotta Something

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore

Lott is leaving on 12/31, which, from what I'm reading, will force a replacement election within 90 days, whereas if he left on 1/1, they could just appoint a successor to serve through 2008.
he just wants to not take away the vote. the people's vote is their most precious right.

Diane_Keaton 11-26-2007 09:14 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
The central government has never had control of those provinces.
The Bhuttos and their Party hid (in Geneva) over 20 million in Swiss francs gleaned from bribes, money launduring and drug dealing. I don't know how much 20 mill Swiss Francs gets you in Pakistani Rupees but my bet is: a lot. And enough for the central government to buy control of those provinces as well as Bin Laden's head on a big shish kabob.

Gattigap 11-26-2007 10:43 PM

On the other hand, maybe he isn't that bright.

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
And enough for the central government to buy control of those provinces as well as Bin Laden's head on a big shish kabob.
20M francs is all it would take? Huh. Sounds like ol' OBL is down to the coins found in his caveside couch.

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