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futbol fan 01-10-2008 03:48 PM

Tears of a clown.

Originally posted by ltl/fb
I have heard a recording, and seen it, and I'm not getting breakdown. Jesus F. Christ, her voice barely wavered or whatever. WHYYYYYY are you and the stupid media making this out to be a big thing?

This getting blown out of proportion is making me want to support her because I feel like people are being really stupid about it.
It's not a big thing. It's another little thing in a very long line of little things that make Hillary Clinton extremely unlikeable. And we all know what Willy Loman used to say.

SlaveNoMore 01-10-2008 03:49 PM

Tears of a clown.

Note that Dowd filed that one from Jerusalem with a byline of Derry, NH.

Clearly, she has keen perceptive sense to have such insight into Hillary's soul from half-way around the world.

This is just an excuse for the usual Clinton haters to circle round. Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that after the media completely blew the story in NH before the primary, trashing Hillary for days, they're trying to find cover by attacking Hillary again?

I hope Dowd has an ample ass, because she needs a lot of room for that head of hers.
Translation: I hate it when the Lefties eat one of their own.

futbol fan 01-10-2008 03:51 PM

Tears of a clown.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Note that Dowd filed that one from Jerusalem with a byline of Derry, NH.

Clearly, she has keen perceptive sense to have such insight into Hillary's soul from half-way around the world.

This is just an excuse for the usual Clinton haters to circle round. Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that after the media completely blew the story in NH before the primary, trashing Hillary for days, they're trying to find cover by attacking Hillary again?

I hope Dowd has an ample ass, because she needs a lot of room for that head of hers.
I don't hate her. I just don't like her. And if rabid Marxists like me don't like her she has a problem.

SlaveNoMore 01-10-2008 03:52 PM

Duck Soup

I don't hate her. I just don't like her. And if rabid Marxists like me don't like her she has a problem.
Zeppo or Chico?

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