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Good news!
Women seeking abortions in the state of Texas will not be forced to view sonograms before the procedure AND judges who grant judicial bypass to minors seeking abortion services will not be published in local witch hunt magazines!
ETA: At least, until the next legislative session. I don't know how you people with sessions every year can handle it. Our yahoos meet for four months every other year, and it causes me much stress. |
Good news!
Good news!
Good news!
Huh. That doesn't look so good.
He's going through a hard time right now.
He's going through a hard time right now.
Good News (Finally)
From Time:
Good News (Finally)
Good News (Finally)
He's going through a hard time right now.
How does this policy continue to make sense?
U.S. military continues to discharge gay Arab linguists, and Congress members seek hearing. Three more were fired recently.
(Personal bias: nearly everyone I know personally who speaks Arabic is gay. I have a very good gay friend who is Egyptian, and he has a score of gay Lebanese, Palistinian, Egyptian and Jordanian friends. I love them dearly and don't see at all how they could possibly compromise national security.) |
How does this policy continue to make sense?
Thing is, He's Right
Primary Season Follies.
Politicians do, indeed, have it rough, having to meet untold numbers of people every day and actually try to remember who the hell some of them are. Even so, I found this screwup funny.
Atheist Books Article
http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cg...a111654D33.DTL - interesting article re the growth of atheist books. Harris' followup to End of Faith - A Letter to a Christian Nation is mentioned, and I endorse it heartily. He has condensed his arguments down to a much more biting and irrefutable 90-something small pages.
Atheist Books Article
Atheist Books Article
I'm sure they bought vouchers
Parking lot to hear Al Gore speak in Marin County. http://www.zombietime.com/gore_in_marin/IMG_3277.JPG |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I suppose I'm still a bad person and a hypocrite. |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I'm sure they bought vouchers
We are all hypocrites, Hank. I don't follow the teachings of Jesus on giving all of my money to the poor in order to follow him. My 25 year old pro-war ("this is the most important fight for our country's survival since the War of 1812 -- that was the last time we were attacked like this") cousin has no intentions of joining the Army. My friend the would-be state elected official panders shamelessly to anyone who will write her a check for the maximum legal contribution, including some developer that she called "pond scum" six months ago. The same conservative groups last year who argued that senate rules on filibusters were unconstitutional are about to change their tune when the vote of no confidence for Gonzalez comes up in the senate in a few weeks. I think that the government should spend more on social services, but try to minimize my taxes by taking every deduction and credit that I can. Your point? |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
But you are lying to yourself. Al is saying we have to REDUCE emissions, not just stop increasing. As long as buying vouchers is done to allow continued massive pollution we can only hope the global warming crowd is wrong. |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I hear this all the time from assholes on the Left, but it's fucking idiotic. I'm pro-medicine - doesn't mean i'm going to med school. I'm pro-electricity - doesn't mean I'm signing up to work on a cherry picker fixing lines. I'm pro-food - doesn't mean I'm farming anytime soon. By your logic, I guess I'm a hypocrite because I pay my taxes timely, even though I'm against paying them at all. |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I don't drive an SUV, nor do we have A/C in our home. So to do my part, I'm killing trees. http://www.carboncreditkillers.com/default.asp http://www.carboncreditkillers.com/i...irts/001CF.gif |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
At any rate, the point was that supporting efforts to fight global warming while not living Ed Begley's lifestyle wasn't any more hypocritical than a series of other examples. Sensitive much? |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I'm sure they bought vouchers
If I had a Hammer...
This is just moronic, typical claptrap that you Lefties like to throw around as if its some sort of profound "Gotcha!". Guess what - it isn't. But, then again, you know this. |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
I'm sure they bought vouchers
Do as Dick Cheney does
I'm sure they bought vouchers
http://www.mcsweeneys.net/2007/4/3moe.html |
I'm sure they bought vouchers
Do as Dick Cheney does
http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/...ryaugust19.jpg |
Greetings from Podunkville RFD.
Greetings from Podunkville RFD.
Greetings from Podunkville RFD.
Well played, NB. Well played. |
Greetings from Podunkville RFD.
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