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taxwonk 05-04-2007 12:19 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
There was an article in the New York Times a few days ago about a restaurant in Mexico City that uses tangerines. I'm curious.

ETA: Present for you, Wonk. I don't trust 'em. I think the experiment needs to be repeated.
I agree wholeheartedly. Although I applaud their scientific and aesthetic discipline:


A martini is also not a martini without vermouth. What is a cocktail but a blend of disparate elements into a harmonious new whole?

taxwonk 05-04-2007 12:28 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I've fought the Life, and the Life tends to win.
Perhaps in the long run. But I'm here to tell you two things: battles can be won with life, and Ain't no fucking way Seagram's or Tanqueray beat out Hendrick's or Sapphire.

captain marvelous 05-04-2007 01:00 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

Why no one's brought a mail fraud charge yet I still can't figure out. I guess all the prosecutors figure its best not to piss on the firms they may have to work for if their political careers don;t work out...

We've all done it and those of us still practicing will still do so.

I agree with the poster who wrote:

"Your profession is complete scum. This practice is RAMPANT among law firms throughout this country.

The level of conservative hatred on this board just backs that conclusion up.

Hank Chinaski 05-04-2007 01:06 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
I agree with the poster who wrote:

"Your profession is complete scum. This practice is RAMPANT among law firms throughout this country.

The level of conservative hatred on this board just backs that conclusion up.
2. That is why i was so impressed when Bill Clinton made the brave decision to give up his law license.

Oliver_Wendell_Ramone 05-04-2007 01:09 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by taxwonk
Perhaps in the long run. But I'm here to tell you two things: battles can be won with life, and Ain't no fucking way Seagram's or Tanqueray beat out Hendrick's or Sapphire.
Sapphire is overrated. But then, I like Tanqueray 10 in a martini (with a twist), so what do I know.

captain marvelous 05-04-2007 01:12 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I don't think the U. S. of A. is an evil oppressor nation. And Bush will be gone in a year and a half.
You are part of the problem. Look up the word oppressor in a dictionary and then take a trip to Iraq and see what is done in your name to the people there. And what makes you so sure Bush will be gone? the Bush Family Crime Syndicate has stolen two elections in the last 7 years, do you really think that they can be stopped now?

Tyrone Slothrop 05-04-2007 01:17 PM

Joe Klein listened to the GOP presidential candidates debate on the radio:
  • First impression: They were indistinguishable. There were so many of them. On radio, the time division seemed acute: The moderators, especially Chris Mathews, dominated. The generally fatuous and vacant answers made them even more indistinguishable. Here's what it sounded like: God God God God God God God Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan God...and, oh by the way, Reagan.


captain marvelous 05-04-2007 01:21 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
2. That is why i was so impressed when Bill Clinton made the brave decision to give up his law license.
You're sick. It was the scummiest of the scumlawyers who hijacked his license. Before W, I didn't think there wuld be anything so embarassing or damaging for our country as Ken Starr's witchhunt and sham impeachment. I was wrong.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 05-04-2007 01:22 PM


Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Joe Klein listened to the GOP presidential candidates debate on the radio:
  • First impression: They were indistinguishable. There were so many of them. On radio, the time division seemed acute: The moderators, especially Chris Mathews, dominated. The generally fatuous and vacant answers made them even more indistinguishable. Here's what it sounded like: God God God God God God God Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan God...and, oh by the way, Reagan.

Did that differ significantly from the Dems, except that instead of God the word was Iraq, and instead of Reagan the word was Bush?

Hank Chinaski 05-04-2007 01:22 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
You're sick. It was the scummiest of the scumlawyers who hijacked his license. Before W, I didn't think there wuld be anything so embarassing or damaging for our country as Ken Starr's witchhunt and sham impeachment. I was wrong.
I'm going to guess slave. all you people who went out early with Penske guesses were wrong.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-04-2007 01:23 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by captain marvelous
You are part of the problem.
If so, what's the solution?


Look up the word oppressor in a dictionary and then take a trip to Iraq and see what is done in your name to the people there.
Yes, well, I suspect we don't disagree so much about what has been done in Iraq. The question is what kind of conclusions one draws. I can disagree with your view of the country without thinking that the occupation of Iraq is all sweetness and light, no?


And what makes you so sure Bush will be gone? the Bush Family Crime Syndicate has stolen two elections in the last 7 years, do you really think that they can be stopped now?
Section 1 of the Twenty-Second Amendment.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-04-2007 01:23 PM


Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Did that differ significantly from the Dems, except that instead of God the word was Iraq, and instead of Reagan the word was Bush?
Mrs. Burger has my proxy on that one.

sebastian_dangerfield 05-04-2007 01:47 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
I agree with the poster who wrote:

"Your profession is complete scum. This practice is RAMPANT among law firms throughout this country.

The level of conservative hatred on this board just backs that conclusion up.
I thought you were going to ship yourself to the Hershey Kisses factory yesterday. What's up with that?

sebastian_dangerfield 05-04-2007 01:49 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by captain marvelous
You are part of the problem. Look up the word oppressor in a dictionary and then take a trip to Iraq and see what is done in your name to the people there. And what makes you so sure Bush will be gone? the Bush Family Crime Syndicate has stolen two elections in the last 7 years, do you really think that they can be stopped now?
I think the family plans to regroup to address Noel's problems.

If you've got Xanax, there's no better head in Southern Florida.

futbol fan 05-04-2007 02:18 PM

For Those Full of Shit - We Salute You

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
I'm going to guess slave. all you people who went out early with Penske guesses were wrong.
He has time now? Did the Sharks get knocked out of the playoffs or something?


ltl/fb 05-04-2007 02:28 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
If you've got Xanax, there's no better head in Southern Florida.
Somewhere, bnb is sobbing.

LessinSF 05-04-2007 03:11 PM


Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Re Republican Debate,2933,252847,00.html

Replaced_Texan 05-04-2007 04:43 PM


Originally posted by LessinSF,2933,252847,00.html
I have a soft spot for Ron Paul. Of the whacko Republicans that my state sends to Washington, he's my favorite.

taxwonk 05-04-2007 05:42 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
Sapphire is overrated. But then, I like Tanqueray 10 in a martini (with a twist), so what do I know.
My point exactly.

taxwonk 05-04-2007 05:44 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
I'm going to guess slave. all you people who went out early with Penske guesses were wrong.
I'm still guessing little chocolate superhero.

Replaced_Texan 05-04-2007 05:52 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by taxwonk
My point exactly.
Segrams surprised me the most. I didn't really quibble with the rationale that better gins are best sipped on their own than mixed in a cocktail. I generally feel the same way about premium tequila in margaritas.

But, like I said, I'm willing to repeat the experiment to test the results. In the name of science. I especially want to try that Old Raj and the Junipero.

taxwonk 05-04-2007 10:40 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Segrams surprised me the most. I didn't really quibble with the rationale that better gins are best sipped on their own than mixed in a cocktail. I generally feel the same way about premium tequila in margaritas.

But, like I said, I'm willing to repeat the experiment to test the results. In the name of science. I especially want to try that Old Raj and the Junipero.
I've had the Old Raj. It's a fine gin. On the other hand, I don't think I'd ever want to drink gin neat. I need something to cut the astringency of the aromatics, either vermouth or tonic and lime.

Secret_Agent_Man 05-04-2007 11:18 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

Why no one's brought a mail fraud charge yet I still can't figure out. I guess all the prosecutors figure its best not to piss on the firms they may have to work for if their political careers don;t work out...
There have been a few prosecutions (I remember one from North Carolina a good while back) -- but only in truly gruesome cases.


Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
We've all done it and those of us still practicing will still do so.
See, that's where you're wrong.


LessinSF 05-05-2007 03:32 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by taxwonk
I've had the Old Raj. It's a fine gin. On the other hand, I don't think I'd ever want to drink gin neat. I need something to cut the astringency of the aromatics, either vermouth or tonic and lime.
Cucumber. Seriously.

pony_trekker 05-05-2007 03:37 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by LessinSF
Cucumber. Seriously.
Yes I had some sort of a gin mojito with cucumber and it was deelicious.

taxwonk 05-05-2007 04:54 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by LessinSF
Cucumber. Seriously.
That's one of the ingredients in Hendrick's, my favorite gin.

sebastian_dangerfield 05-06-2007 07:19 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Secret_Agent_Man
See, that's where you're wrong.
Re having done it in the past or continuing to do it?

Hank Chinaski 05-06-2007 07:38 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Re having done it in the past or continuing to do it?
maybe he was just following orders?

Secret_Agent_Man 05-06-2007 08:25 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Re having done it in the past or continuing to do it?
I do not double bill, never have and never will.

As for the rest, I try hard to keep my time straight and to get it right. There are incentives to do work that isn't absolutely necessary, especially on big cases where it gets lost in the wash.

There is obviously plenty of corruption. But I do not believe that "everyone does it." You saying that reminds me of Spanky insisting that every man is sexually attracted to 16 year-olds. I don't think that is true either.


sebastian_dangerfield 05-06-2007 08:51 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Secret_Agent_Man
I do not double bill, never have and never will.

As for the rest, I try hard to keep my time straight and to get it right. There are incentives to do work that isn't absolutely necessary, especially on big cases where it gets lost in the wash.

There is obviously plenty of corruption. But I do not believe that "everyone does it." You saying that reminds me of Spanky insisting that every man is sexually attracted to 16 year-olds. I don't think that is true either.

I didn't say "double bill." I referred to padding, a much different thing, counselor.

Everyone has padded a bill. Everyone. Those who've billed have all found ways to justify it or rationalize that it wasn't padding after the fact. But they've padded, and they know it.

Think about it. Do you really expect me to believe that every week you've done a real true 37.5 - 55 billable hours? That half hour you pissed away bullshitting about your weekend with another lawyer in the middle of a meeting that was supposed to be about a case... You wrote that off? Put it down as admin time or personal time? Those calls from your friends during the day - to keep a note to make sure they're deducted from your time? Those lost 20 minute chunks of time playing on these boards are all removed from your billable time? Come on. Put down the rosary.

That you're here during the week makes your posture kind of, well, amusing. You do realize that.

Nobody's squeaky clean. Some of us are just better at deluding ourselves.

Secret_Agent_Man 05-07-2007 10:45 AM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Think about it. Do you really expect me to believe that every week you've done a real true 37.5 - 55 billable hours?
God no. I don't believe it and nor would anyone I work with. But then my mad skillz have allowed me to survive in "BIGLAW" while only very rarely billing 2,000 hours in a year.


Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
That half hour you pissed away bullshitting about your weekend with another lawyer in the middle of a meeting that was supposed to be about a case... You wrote that off? Put it down as admin time or personal time?
Usually. Probably not always.


Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Those calls from your friends during the day - to keep a note to make sure they're deducted from your time?
Ah . . . see, you presume I have friends. And you presume they'd call me to bs during work. Projecting again.


Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Those lost 20 minute chunks of time playing on these boards are all removed from your billable time? Come on. Put down the rosary. That you're here during the week makes your posture kind of, well, amusing.
Again, mostly -- probably not entirely or precisely -- just like said above. I did not intend to make this personal, but you have no idea how I track my time.

I do make notes when I start something and when I move on to something else. A small page of notes each day, entered into the billing system within 2-3 days. Those entries do include little notes like (-.2) or (-.1) for estimates of lost time. There is inevitably some slippage -- even more so than having to track tenths of an hour requires -- and its not a precise system, but it is an honest effort.


Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Nobody's squeaky clean. Some of us are just better at deluding ourselves.
Never said I was, SD, but I don't buy into your world-view.


P.S. I haven't started billing yet for today.

sebastian_dangerfield 05-07-2007 10:59 AM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Secret_Agent_Man
Never said I was, SD, but I don't buy into your world-view.
It's not my worldview. This isn't a "perception is reality" situation, as the independent evidence cited at the start of this thread and in numerous studies over so many years has proven.

That I'm what you'd call a cynic doesn't make me wrong or undo those facts.

I applaud you for being one of the very, very few exceptions.

bi-partisanship fairy 05-07-2007 01:42 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
It's not my worldview. This isn't a "perception is reality" situation, as the independent evidence cited at the start of this thread and in numerous studies over so many years has proven.

That I'm what you'd call a cynic doesn't make me wrong or undo those facts.

I applaud you for being one of the very, very few exceptions.
In the spirit of bi-partisanship, I will note that I once billed in excess of 255 hours/month for 8 months straight. All legit. Too legit, too legit to quit.

captain marvelous 05-07-2007 04:38 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Secret_Agent_Man
God no. I don't believe it and nor would anyone I work with. But then my mad skillz have allowed me to survive in "BIGLAW" while only very rarely billing 2,000 hours in a year.

Usually. Probably not always.

Ah . . . see, you presume I have friends. And you presume they'd call me to bs during work. Projecting again.

Again, mostly -- probably not entirely or precisely -- just like said above. I did not intend to make this personal, but you have no idea how I track my time.

I do make notes when I start something and when I move on to something else. A small page of notes each day, entered into the billing system within 2-3 days. Those entries do include little notes like (-.2) or (-.1) for estimates of lost time. There is inevitably some slippage -- even more so than having to track tenths of an hour requires -- and its not a precise system, but it is an honest effort.

Never said I was, SD, but I don't buy into your world-view.


P.S. I haven't started billing yet for today.
Obviously, you and I are the only ones with any integrity and ethics here, but I do public interest work for a not-for-profit and billing is not an issue. The rest who have posted on this thread should be disbarred for the fraud they endorse and participate in.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 04:39 PM

I see that Sam Brownback does not believe in evolution. Since he is a Catholic, and the Catholic Church recognizes evolution, I like forward to the spate of stories about how he's going to be in trouble with the church for his beliefs. Who's with me?

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 04:40 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
The rest who have posted on this thread should be disbarred for the fraud they endorse and participate in.
Are you so quick to accuse other people of fraud in your day job? I'm sure that goes over well.

captain marvelous 05-07-2007 04:49 PM

Bush Queen
Am I the only one who thinks it is horribly wrong for these facist royals and Bushies to be yukking it up on the public expense?

So fucking swell of these wealthy murderous buffoons to have their little servants tidying up the WH and preparing haute cuisine while the masses in New Orleans continue to languish in Katrina ghetto doublewides, and the homeless in urban America wallow in the government induced poverty or the fine men and women of the military are held hostage by King ChimpBush in Iraq or Afghanistan. How many will die while Bush and Queen eat off their Lennox china?

How wonderful that these upper crusts can kick back and enjoy the freedoms and extranganzes that most of us can't dream of and that they deny us anyway. For so many, all they want is a secure job and healthcare, some shelter and sustenance and a socail welfare system that guarantees basic life needs for the poor, the children and elderly, but instead the average American is shut out of such luxuries while Bush and the Queen eat royally at our expense.

And meanwhile the inteligentsia on this board sit here without comment with no one ever mentioning the word "revolution". You are as wrong as Bush!

Anyway, I hope the dinner goes terribly wrong-maybe they get salmonella .

Diane_Keaton 05-07-2007 04:50 PM

enough is enough?

Originally posted by Guy Smiley
when life gives me lemons, I make lemonade.
No Limoncello? Perché?

captain marvelous 05-07-2007 04:53 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Are you so quick to accuse other people of fraud in your day job? I'm sure that goes over well.
Unlike the associates who are complicit by their silence in the fraud that double billing and padding represent, I would quit before I would go along to get along or give two shits what some criminal with a bar membership thought. thankfully, I was too principaled to ever get sucked into the world of corporate greed and oppression.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 04:55 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
Unlike the associates who are complicit by their silence in the fraud that double billing and padding represent, I would quit before I would go along to get along or give two shits what some criminal with a bar membership thought. thankfully, I was too principaled to ever get sucked into the world of corporate greed and oppression.
Good for you, but that wasn't my question.

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