Hank Chinaski |
05-15-2007 09:07 AM |
First Amendment, anyone?
Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
You and Greedy are killing me here...
I was fucking around, addressing in the voice of an absurd moralist your argument that we should not waste time on silly laws like the medal act when our law enforcement instrumentality should be out chasing serious crimes like child molestation.
The sort of moralists who love those medal laws love them because they give them a wedge issue or pedestal from which to spew their judgments about others...
I feel we need a military. Maybe you disagree.
Traditionally, militaries have given medals to guys who have done special things. there are many reasons for this, but one might be so that the awardee's countrymen can recognize the guy did something for them that was, you know, special.
There are estimates that of the people claiming to have been Navy Seals, actually 50% are frauds. the same is true for Medal of Honor winners. maybe the frauds use the lie for somewhat innocent purposes, getting laid maybe, but some have fooled their hometowns and use the status to get free things, to get honored status, etc.
I think letting them get away with that takes away from the actual guys who did the special things. You seem like you don't mind people lying to gain some unwarrented status. I bet you think it's okay when Flower or Thurgreed lie about their height on the internet. I think that detracts from the actually tall.
And this law has been passed by Congress. Maybe you think it shouldn't have been, but that isn't the same as being unconstitutional.