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Adder 05-14-2007 10:03 PM

When Do We Impeach Fredo?

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
so what?
and I just went and searched "McNulty" and none of you have ever mentioned him before. Did some blog tell you this was important or are you taking a shot in the dark that maybe it meant something?
you sure you are a lawyer? And you have never heard of McNulty? Perhaps a certain memo with his name on it?

Not that this explains why his resignation is news, you have to look a tad harder for that.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 05-14-2007 10:08 PM

When Do We Impeach Fredo?

Originally posted by Adder

Not that this explains why his resignation is news, you have to look a tad harder for that.
Compared to Comey's testimony, this seems like a blip.

Adder 05-14-2007 10:08 PM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
Let me guess, you think there is an epidemic of shark attacks too, don't you?

Tyrone Slothrop 05-14-2007 10:12 PM

hatch act

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
Say I'm the King: and i give you a medal (suspend disbelief here), AND I've enacted a law that says "only the people I give the medals to can wear them outside," that's very much like a use based license.
It would be. Now if you just pretend that that's what the government has always been doing, you're closer to reality.


oh, and bona fide purchasers are still infringers, and the guy who buys the medal and wears it? are you making like a "mistake of law is okay" argument?
You're also erring by analogizing criminal prosecution to IP. Throwing someone in prison demands more.

An Audie Murphy Halloween costume -- should that be a criminal offense?

Hank Chinaski 05-14-2007 10:34 PM

hatch act

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop

You're also erring by analogizing criminal prosecution to IP. Throwing someone in prison demands more.
there are criminal sanctions in the copyright law. go on ebay and offer to sell bootleg copies of Spiderman 3, then let us know if the FBI or Jones Day kicks in your front door.


An Audie Murphy Halloween costume -- should that be a criminal offense?
is it the really expensive one, with real life medals? either way, talk about nerd alert, unless it's at the nursing home party.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-14-2007 10:41 PM

hatch act

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
talk about nerd alert, unless it's at the nursing home party.
As I said, the remedy to speech you don't like is more speech.

Hank Chinaski 05-14-2007 10:41 PM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by Adder
Let me guess, you think there is an epidemic of shark attacks too, don't you?
and Islamic fundamentalism is puffed up as a danger. Kum-BA- yaaaaa!

Hank Chinaski 05-14-2007 11:08 PM

hatch act

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
As I said, the remedy to speech you don't like is more speech.
word to the wise: if you end up with your kids sticking you in a nursing home do not be the one putting out "more speech". at the end of the day that's the sucker who gets the left over meds.

LessinSF 05-15-2007 06:32 AM

hatch act

Originally posted by Adder
You don't think the status of employees as employees might have something to do with it?
Put another way, if I, as a non-employee, happen upon a pretty piece of brass, can I not wear it in my hair? And, if not, explain to me why the Feds are not somehow making a content-based distinction about my poor fashion sense?

Secret_Agent_Man 05-15-2007 08:06 AM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by taxwonk
I'm not persuaded. In fact, it seems to me my tax dollars would be better spent buying the body armor than prosecuting some little gutter-rat for tagging the local Social Security office. Plus, it creates more job security for the GSA guy who paints it.
OK -- a competing value judgment leading to a different policy decision.

I say we should punish them both severely under your Administration, and have the cops yelling "Its Taxwonk time" during their restroom interrogations. Zero tolerance, bitches.


Secret_Agent_Man 05-15-2007 08:12 AM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
The sort of moralists who love those medal laws love them because they give them a wedge issue or pedestal from which to spew their judgments about others...
Geez, Hank, that's gotta hurt.

Actually, I don't think this one qualifies as a wedge issue. I did a (very) quick Westlaw search and found no evidence that this law or its predecessor has ever been challenged.

That may mean that, until this week on a chat board populated by bored, overpaid lawyers raised in a society grown soft and self-centered, no one ever felt the need to defend the rights of those who would falsely claim entitlement to wear our nation's highest military honors.

[Sniff] How have we come to this? Oh, the humanity! America haters. [/Sniff]

(So, I guess I'm in category 2 -- spewing my judgments.)


Secret_Agent_Man 05-15-2007 08:16 AM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by Adder
I have no dog in this fight, but what makes you think there are "many, many cases?"
By many, many I mean thousands, four figures.

Seems like a reasonable estimate given the number of medals floating around and the number of cases I've heard about (which must be a very tiny fraction of the total).


Diane_Keaton 05-15-2007 08:51 AM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by Secret_Agent_Man
I guess I'm in category 2 -- spewing my judgments.

Hank Chinaski 05-15-2007 09:07 AM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
You and Greedy are killing me here...

I was fucking around, addressing in the voice of an absurd moralist your argument that we should not waste time on silly laws like the medal act when our law enforcement instrumentality should be out chasing serious crimes like child molestation.

The sort of moralists who love those medal laws love them because they give them a wedge issue or pedestal from which to spew their judgments about others...
I feel we need a military. Maybe you disagree.

Traditionally, militaries have given medals to guys who have done special things. there are many reasons for this, but one might be so that the awardee's countrymen can recognize the guy did something for them that was, you know, special.

There are estimates that of the people claiming to have been Navy Seals, actually 50% are frauds. the same is true for Medal of Honor winners. maybe the frauds use the lie for somewhat innocent purposes, getting laid maybe, but some have fooled their hometowns and use the status to get free things, to get honored status, etc.

I think letting them get away with that takes away from the actual guys who did the special things. You seem like you don't mind people lying to gain some unwarrented status. I bet you think it's okay when Flower or Thurgreed lie about their height on the internet. I think that detracts from the actually tall.

And this law has been passed by Congress. Maybe you think it shouldn't have been, but that isn't the same as being unconstitutional.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 05-15-2007 10:24 AM

First Amendment, anyone?

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
You and Greedy are killing me here...

I was fucking around, addressing in the voice of an absurd moralist your argument that we should not waste time on silly laws like the medal act when our law enforcement instrumentality should be out chasing serious crimes like child molestation.

The sort of moralists who love those medal laws love them because they give them a wedge issue or pedestal from which to spew their judgments about others...
You see, this is the problem. Your parody read just like many a right winger poster's posts. We just thought you'd joined the Hank/Slave crowd, since, after all, you do vote the same way as they do. We all love Spanky because of his wide-eyed surprise every single time he discovers that the nut-jobs he hangs out with are nut-jobs.

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