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baltassoc 10-14-2003 11:55 AM


Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
A new article (subscription required) in today's Legal discusses the results of recent mid-level surveys. Apparently associates at Reed Smith are REALLy unhappy... Buchannan Ingersoll associates, on the other hand, seem to be very satisfied.
Interesting. Veeeeeery interesting.
The BI thin surprises me because of the rumors flying around here. The Reed Smith part doesn't. At all. Man I hate that firm.

leagleaze 10-15-2003 12:07 AM

Didn't Reed have practically its entire estate group up and leave a while back?

learnedmano 10-15-2003 09:03 AM

Reed Smith Estates Group
True. All (or almost all) of Reed Smith's Pittsburgh E & T lawyers decamped to start their own firm about a year ago (I think they may have one or two guys left). If there's a connection between that and the associate dissatisfaction, it's probably that Reed Smith has been desperately trying to increase its profit per partner (after years of lagging profits), and that's likely why the estates guys decided to leave (before being pushed, since E & T is not usually a big profit center), and also why the junior associates are unhappy (layoffs and reduced hiring leads to thin staffing and long hours; fewer partners being made, and existing partners being de-equitized, means there's no brass ring to keep you going during those long hours; etc.)

baltassoc 10-27-2003 09:33 AM

Prepaid legal
Wave of the future or unspeakable evil: you decide.

Countrywide prepaid legal services article

Okay, so how much of a threat is a company with less than a $million in revenue, really?

Alex_de_Large 11-05-2003 11:38 AM

Election stuff
By all accounts, yesterday's election in Philadelphia was full of intimidation, voting impropriety and violence. No, there's nothing wrong with the system in this city...

Ex_post_Festo 11-06-2003 11:06 AM

Election stuff

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
By all accounts, yesterday's election in Philadelphia was full of intimidation, voting impropriety and violence. No, there's nothing wrong with the system in this city...
In other words, the Democrats won. I understand the graveyard vote broke sharply Democratic again this year...

baltassoc 11-10-2003 06:25 PM

Big East runs up the bills
I don't know whether to post this here or on the sports thread, but whatever:

Big East legal fees add up for Pitt, others: First four months total about $2.1 million
(free registration may be required)

Alex_de_Large 11-13-2003 09:36 AM

Any more news on this place? My sources have dried up and I haven't heard anything new...


baltassoc 11-24-2003 11:13 AM

Actual salary news
Reed Smith is bumping Pittsburgh starting salaries to $110,000.

(free registration may be required)

baltassoc 11-24-2003 11:14 AM


Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Any more news on this place? My sources have dried up and I haven't heard anything new...

In an interesting move, Schnader DC is apparently moving to new digs.

(free reg may be required)

Alex_de_Large 11-24-2003 04:27 PM


Originally posted by baltassoc
In an interesting move, Schnader DC is apparently moving to new digs.

(free reg may be required)
Couldn't access the article. Did it provide motives? Does anyone know of the relative costs of the teo pwoperties in question? I wonder if the new plac eis significantly cheaper...?

baltassoc 11-24-2003 05:10 PM

From the article:


"The expanded space, the location itself and the aesthetics are all big advantages," says Schnader D.C. Managing Partner Martin Mendelsohn in a statement.

In February, almost half the D.C. office of Schnader Harrison left to become the founding core of Los Angeles-based Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton (

Until recently, Schnader Harrison and Sheppard Mullin were sharing office space at 1300 Eye St. NW. Sheppard Mullin has ballooned to 21 lawyers in Washington this year and has been looking to take over the space since it opened.
I don't know the buildings in particular, but based on location I wouldn't expect a siginicant difference in cost. It does have the advantage of not being uncomforatbly close to the people who just abandoned ship.

Alex_de_Large 12-04-2003 10:20 AM

The Morgan Lewis acquisition binge continues
MLB is adding a significant portion of Pennie & Edmonds' IP group to offices in Palo Alto and Washington, D.C..

baltassoc 12-08-2003 10:16 AM

Venable loses the head of its Rockville office to the Federal District Court for Maryland (free reg may be required).

I wish JFTS were around to give us some insight. Anybody know if he's around?

Alex_de_Large 12-16-2003 02:43 PM

Ballard Spahr to pay $5.8 legal malpractice settlement
Ballard has agreed to pay $5.8 million to settle malpractice claims alleging the firm failed to prevent losses in public pension funds in Pennsylvania and three other states.

spree: story from Phialdelphia Inquirer; where's th elegal on this one?!?

Alex_de_Large 12-17-2003 05:10 PM

Any word on bonus news in the PHL? My own firm has not released numbers, but I haven't heard much of anything from amywhere in the city. If you would like to submit information anonymously, PM me or e-mail

Alex_de_Large 12-22-2003 01:45 PM


Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Any word on bonus news in the PHL? My own firm has not released numbers, but I haven't heard much of anything from amywhere in the city. If you would like to submit information anonymously, PM me or e-mail

Ex_post_Festo 01-23-2004 02:23 PM

Move to 30th Street...

Any chance that associates will see better bonuses post '05 due to all that tax savings? After all, they have to eat in the lousy restaurants too, and pay city income tax to boot. (LvHB)

Alex_de_Large 02-09-2004 03:12 PM

McCarter and English
I am posting this on behalf of a regular (that term is relative on this board...) poster who wants to know about the Philadelphia office of McCarter and English. Any comments re work environment, pay, etc. would be appreciated.

baltassoc 02-10-2004 09:45 AM

Firm control structure
Interesting article from the Baltimore Business Journal on evolving administrative structures in big firms.

Interesting insight from Bill Reynolds. Anybody know if he's still of counsel at Piper (which one would think the artilce would mention, since Piper is a featured firm).

baltassoc 02-10-2004 09:46 AM

McCarter and English

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
I am posting this on behalf of a regular (that term is relative on this board...) poster
Thanks for outing me, man.

Alex_de_Large 02-10-2004 11:01 AM

McCarter and English

Originally posted by baltassoc
Thanks for outing me, man.
OK, maybe I should have specified "regular lurker" rather than "poster".

Anyone have any info?

Alex_de_Large 02-12-2004 10:16 AM

MLB sued
Morgan Lewis has been sued by its former clients who contend they were criminally prosecuted because they followed their lawyers' advice in carrying on trade with Cuba.

spree: link to news article

Alex_de_Large 02-13-2004 03:24 PM

MLB sued

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Morgan Lewis has been sued by its former clients who contend they were criminally prosecuted because they followed their lawyers' advice in carrying on trade with Cuba.

spree: link to news article
Today's Legal (subscription required) has more on this story.

baltassoc 02-16-2004 11:26 AM

Dechert loses 30
Dechert loses it's immigration department:
(free registation may be required)

Any comments? Is this a portent of things to come, or is immigaration law just a practice that makes more sense in a smaller boutique firm?

rugger1979 02-18-2004 09:29 PM

Anyone know Pepper Hamilton's reputation? QOL? Any info that you cannot get on website or NALP is much appreciated

baltassoc 02-19-2004 09:16 AM


Originally posted by rugger1979
Anyone know Pepper Hamilton's reputation? QOL? Any info that you cannot get on website or NALP is much appreciated
I've dealt with attorneys from Pepper Hamilton's Philadelhpia and Wilmington offices. They have always been professional, courteous and competent. I never heard complaints about the firm from them. Of course, such things can be driven as much by the particular partner / group to which one is assigned as to firm culture.

Sorry I don't have more information; it's all I've got.

baltassoc 02-20-2004 11:33 AM

Hangley under "attack"
There's a report on the "other" board that Hangley Aronchick is the victim of a phantom defecator. Apparently someone crapped in their hallway, but none yet knows who it is. This is one of the funniest things I've heard about in the Mid Atlantic legal community in years.

Anyone have any information?

Alex_de_Large 02-22-2004 08:15 PM

Hangley under "attack"

Originally posted by baltassoc
This is one of the funniest things I've heard about in the Mid Atlantic legal community in years.
Concur. That fucking rocks!

Anne Elk 02-23-2004 12:58 PM

Hangley under "attack"

Originally posted by baltassoc
There's a report on the "other" board that Hangley Aronchick is the victim of a phantom defecator. Apparently someone crapped in their hallway, but none yet knows who it is. This is one of the funniest things I've heard about in the Mid Atlantic legal community in years.

Anyone have any information?
My firm also had a "phantom defacator". Anyone else?

I always wondered about the logistics. Would the PD actually squat there to leave em's mark? Or would they squat elsewhere, collect and distribute? Or do they have a dog and prefer to get rid of the waste at the office?

Freakin' NA 02-24-2004 10:38 AM

Phantom Defacators
I was with one firm in Tampa that had one.
It turned out to be one of the oldest name partners in the firm that had drop one - the guy was becoming incontinent and dropped his load before making it to the bathroom.
The housekeeping staff walked out the second time and they tried to have the mailroom staff clean it up and they also refused. The building maintenance crew had to pick it up.
The best part was that the rugs had been laid down over the weekend and the 1st incident happened first thing Monday morning before everyone else came in and the Firm Administrator went ballistic and even offered a reward after the 1st incident.
He was caught the second time that same week (the day of the office party) 'cause he used his key card and was the only one in that early..
It just kinda died down Real Quick - and "swept under the rug" LOL - but I heard that the MIS guys tried to claim the reward cause they tracked it down using the sytem..

str8outavannuys 04-03-2004 12:58 PM

Sting Tickets
I've got Sting/Annie Lennox tickets for sale in Camden, NJ, and Pittsburgh, PA if anyone's interested. Face Value. Otherwise, I'll put them on eBay. Just send me a pm and let me know.

Alex_de_Large 04-05-2004 11:18 AM

Wolf Block focuses on Israeli clients
Wolf Block recently participated in a multi-day conference in Tel Aviv led by partner David Gitlin, who is chairman of the corporate/securities practice group and a member of the Israel bar.

SockofAges 04-05-2004 03:27 PM

New Jersey Office of LeBoeuf closing down. The announcement was made to the associates and staff in person by the New York office management on April 1. Unfortunately, it was not an April Fool's day joke. Apparently, all associates were offered the opportunity to go to the NY office and same with staff except they were also offered a "package" if they preferred that.

Merged into main thread by baltassoc.

Oliver_Wendell_Ramone 04-07-2004 06:44 PM

Question for the Pennsylvania folks
Anybody know anything about your newly former Secretary of Education, Vicki Phillips? She's just been hired to head my local school district.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 04-09-2004 07:15 AM

Buchanan Ingersoll
What's happening here? I've heard about significant departures in multiple cities during the last week.

soup sandwich 04-09-2004 08:03 AM

Question for the Pennsylvania folks

Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
Anybody know anything about your newly former Secretary of Education, Vicki Phillips? She's just been hired to head my local school district.
I know nothing about her, but if you go here and do a search for "Vicki Phillips" using the search function at the top, you'll get a boatload of articles.

Alex_de_Large 06-07-2004 12:02 PM

OK, so I will admit that I am not in the recently-published Pennsylvania SuperLawyers magazine, but I can't help but note that it is the biggest piece of self-congratulatory bullshit I have ever seen. That is all...

Alex_de_Large 06-18-2004 08:34 AM

So, the venerable plaintiffs' firm is officially no more. Sure, it was a badly-kept secret, but the way in which it was announced officially in yesterday's Legal (along with the chart listing where everyone is going) was just weird.

sebastian_dangerfield 06-18-2004 09:02 AM


Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
OK, so I will admit that I am not in the recently-published Pennsylvania SuperLawyers magazine, but I can't help but note that it is the biggest piece of self-congratulatory bullshit I have ever seen. That is all...
You just had to pay some money and they put you on the list. Its even less credible than when Philadelphia Magazine used to compile its 100 Best list. There are a lot of great lawyers in the list, of course, but its also populated (30% or so) with idiots who got their friends to give them a vote. All you needed was something like 5 votes and you were a "super lawyer".

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