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Shape Shifter 05-07-2007 04:58 PM

Bush Queen

Originally posted by captain marvelous
. For so many, all they want is a secure job and healthcare, some shelter and sustenance and a socail welfare system that guarantees basic life needs for the poor, the children and elderly, but instead the average American is shut out of such luxuries while Bush and the Queen eat royally at our expense.
Blame Clinton.
  • The meal of five courses instead of the customary four will be served on gold-trimmed Lenox bought in the Clinton years.

captain marvelous 05-07-2007 05:01 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Good for you, but that wasn't my question.
You are obviously beholden to the man and too cowering in your own complicity to even understand what an ethical backbone looks like. Of course you are the type of phoney baloney "liberal" who thinks everything will be sunshine and roses when Bush's term ends in January 2009-as if that will happen without a fight.

Hank Chinaski 05-07-2007 05:09 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
Unlike the associates who are complicit by their silence in the fraud that double billing and padding represent, I would quit before I would go along to get along or give two shits what some criminal with a bar membership thought. thankfully, I was too principaled to ever get sucked into the world of corporate greed and oppression.
that's why I was impressed when clinton decided to renounce his law license.

Shape Shifter 05-07-2007 05:09 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
I'm going to guess slave. all you people who went out early with Penske guesses were wrong.
This looks like a good call.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 05:11 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
You are obviously beholden to the man and too cowering in your own complicity to even understand what an ethical backbone looks like. Of course you are the type of phoney baloney "liberal" who thinks everything will be sunshine and roses when Bush's term ends in January 2009-as if that will happen without a fight.
Why do you say that?

BTW, The Man prefers initial caps. Please don't make him angry.

Anyhoo, I'm still interested in whether your day job involves blindly accusing people you don't know of widespread fraud.

Secret_Agent_Man 05-07-2007 05:17 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by captain marvelous
Obviously, you and I are the only ones with any integrity and ethics here, but I do public interest work for a not-for-profit and billing is not an issue. The rest who have posted on this thread should be disbarred for the fraud they endorse and participate in.
Your resounding endorsement has caused me to reconsider my position.

I think you're right, Hank. The BPF is likely Penske, but I'd bet this one is Slave.


Secret_Agent_Man 05-07-2007 05:19 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Why do you say that?

BTW, The Man prefers initial caps. Please don't make him angry.

Anyhoo, I'm still interested in whether your day job involves blindly accusing people you don't know of widespread fraud.
Did anyone other than SD and I actually post in that thread?


Diane_Keaton 05-07-2007 05:35 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I'm still interested in whether your day job
Day job?

Shape Shifter 05-07-2007 05:53 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
Day job?
You think his firm fired him when he failed to attract 3% of the vote?

eta: Did you notice he touted his travel to Mexico on his campaign site?

Gattigap 05-07-2007 06:03 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
You think his firm fired him when he failed to attract 3% of the vote?
Wow. It was that low? He might've been fired, then, simply for the horrible ROI on all the yard signs they invested in. From my anecdotal review during my commute, they appeared to be everywhere.

Shape Shifter 05-07-2007 06:05 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Gattigap
Wow. It was that low? He might've been fired, then, simply for the horrible ROI on all the yard signs they invested in. From my anecdotal review during my commute, they appeared to be everywhere.
Do you think they recycled?

Diane_Keaton 05-07-2007 06:17 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
You think his firm fired him when he failed to attract 3% of the vote?
I don't know but isn't this a lot to do in seven months:

ˇ Concentrated on retail chain rollouts (purchase and sale agreements, ground leases and retail leases).

ˇ Represented real estate owners, for-profit and nonprofit developers, institutional investors, high net worth individuals and real estate investment companies in complex real estate transactions, including the acquisition, financing, development, leasing and sale of shopping centers, mixed-use and luxury residential sale projects.

ˇ Drafted, reviewed and negotiated easements, loan documents, deeds, bills of sale, assignment and assumption agreements, property management agreements, legal opinions, leases, and entity formation documents including operating agreements, limited partnership agreements and bylaws; reviewed land surveys and title documentation.

ˇ Counseled clients regarding related risks and mitigation strategies; supervised junior associates.

I mean wouldn't one "acquisition of a shopping center" take seven months? (It would with ME on that deal. Heh.) And then, you still have to figure in a side trip to Mehico to steal socks. But then I guess it isn't that far seeing he's in California and all.

Shape Shifter 05-07-2007 06:20 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
I don't know but isn't this a lot to do in seven months:

ˇ Concentrated on retail chain rollouts (purchase and sale agreements, ground leases and retail leases).

ˇ Represented real estate owners, for-profit and nonprofit developers, institutional investors, high net worth individuals and real estate investment companies in complex real estate transactions, including the acquisition, financing, development, leasing and sale of shopping centers, mixed-use and luxury residential sale projects.

ˇ Drafted, reviewed and negotiated easements, loan documents, deeds, bills of sale, assignment and assumption agreements, property management agreements, legal opinions, leases, and entity formation documents including operating agreements, limited partnership agreements and bylaws; reviewed land surveys and title documentation.

ˇ Counseled clients regarding related risks and mitigation strategies; supervised junior associates.

I mean wouldn't one "acquisition of a shopping center" take seven months? (It would with ME on that deal. Heh.) And then, you still have to figure in a side trip to Mehico to steal socks. But then I guess it isn't that far seeing he's in California and all.
That's not what he actually did, that's just what he billed for.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 06:44 PM

Moderation is not always a dirty word.
I note that this site's Terms of Service, which can be found in the box titled "Main Menu" on the upper left-hand corner of this page, state in part:
  • You agree to not use the Service to:

    1. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is . . . invasive of another's privacy. . . or otherwise objectionable;
    12. "stalk" or otherwise harass another;
    14. violate any policies published anywhere on this site, including, but not limited to, the site's frequently asked questions

As always, I am delighted to entertain related questions via PM or e-mail, as are, I speculate, the administrators.

Shape Shifter 05-07-2007 06:55 PM

Moderation is not always a dirty word.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I note that this site's Terms of Service, which can be found in the box titled "Main Menu" on the upper left-hand corner of this page, state in part:
  • You agree to not use the Service to:

    1. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that is . . . invasive of another's privacy. . . or otherwise objectionable;
    12. "stalk" or otherwise harass another;
    14. violate any policies published anywhere on this site, including, but not limited to, the site's frequently asked questions

As always, I am delighted to entertain related questions via PM or e-mail, as are, I speculate, the administrators.
He's all over the internet, and if he doesn't want people speculating over his job status, he wouldn't post his resume in the public domain. He (according to gatti) blanketed Santa Monica with yard signs. And he ran for office. THE PUBLIC HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW!

Guy Smiley 05-07-2007 06:57 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
II mean wouldn't one "acquisition of a shopping center" take seven months? (It would with ME on that deal. Heh.)
Blackstone flipped about $25 Billion of Equity Office real estate in 15 days, so no.

Hank Chinaski 05-07-2007 07:24 PM

Bush Queen

Originally posted by captain marvelous
Am I the only one who thinks it is horribly wrong for these facist royals and Bushies to be yukking it up on the public expense?

So fucking swell of these wealthy murderous buffoons to have their little servants tidying up the WH and preparing haute cuisine while the masses in New Orleans continue to languish in Katrina ghetto doublewides, and the homeless in urban America wallow in the government induced poverty or the fine men and women of the military are held hostage by King ChimpBush in Iraq or Afghanistan. How many will die while Bush and Queen eat off their Lennox china?

How wonderful that these upper crusts can kick back and enjoy the freedoms and extranganzes that most of us can't dream of and that they deny us anyway. For so many, all they want is a secure job and healthcare, some shelter and sustenance and a socail welfare system that guarantees basic life needs for the poor, the children and elderly, but instead the average American is shut out of such luxuries while Bush and the Queen eat royally at our expense.

And meanwhile the inteligentsia on this board sit here without comment with no one ever mentioning the word "revolution". You are as wrong as Bush!

Anyway, I hope the dinner goes terribly wrong-maybe they get salmonella .
some of my best friends are Bush supporters. if one of them was lurking here and read this, and decided not to post here because of the perceived hatred, i would be sad. can we please all stop with the Bush-hate posts?

Diane_Keaton 05-07-2007 09:15 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Guy Smiley
Blackstone flipped about $25 Billion of Equity Office real estate in 15 days, so no. they weren't diligencing or looking at the target before then, right.

sebastian_dangerfield 05-07-2007 09:15 PM


Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I see that Sam Brownback does not believe in evolution. Since he is a Catholic, and the Catholic Church recognizes evolution, I like forward to the spate of stories about how he's going to be in trouble with the church for his beliefs. Who's with me?
He was an evangelical before he converted.

sgtclub 05-07-2007 09:19 PM

Am I Crazy
Or is Royal too hot to be a politician?

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 09:30 PM


Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
He was an evangelical before he converted.
Sounds like it didn't take.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 09:32 PM

Am I Crazy

Originally posted by sgtclub
Or is Royal too hot to be a politician?
I would rather look at her for the next seven years than Sarkozy.,0.jpg

This picture of her caused a fuss last year:

sgtclub 05-07-2007 09:49 PM

Am I Crazy

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I would rather look at her for the next seven years than Sarkozy.,0.jpg

This picture of her caused a fuss last year:
Wow. Do you know her age? I can't think of any other hot politicians, but maybe I'm not thinking. Can we start a top 10?

Diane_Keaton 05-07-2007 10:02 PM

Am I Crazy

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I would rather look at her for the next seven years than Sarkozy.
So would these guys.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-07-2007 10:48 PM

Hey! You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!

futbol fan 05-08-2007 09:44 AM

Am I Crazy

Originally posted by sgtclub
Wow. Do you know her age? I can't think of any other hot politicians, but maybe I'm not thinking. Can we start a top 10?
She's in her fifties, I think.

I read this article in the New Yorker before the election - it profiles all three of the candidates in some depth.

Shape Shifter 05-08-2007 10:51 AM

Because Ty Is Sleeping
Caption, please.

Gattigap 05-08-2007 11:26 AM

Nothing leaps to mind.

I like this one, too.

Tyrone Slothrop 05-08-2007 11:42 AM

Spencer Ackerman reads George Tenet's book so that Hank doesn't have to:
  • Tenet is absolutely right about a central claim in the book: The intelligence wasn't determinative of the war. The Bush administration opted to invade Iraq because of a mélange of strategic reasons, for which the public case about weapons of mass destruction was merely, in Paul Wolfowitz's words, "the one issue that everyone could agree on." The proper word for this is "deceit."

Cletus Miller 05-08-2007 11:43 AM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton they weren't diligencing or looking at the target before then, right.
The acquisition of a small shopping center (say 200,000 square feet or less, with one anchor tenant) can easily be handled, soup to nuts, including entity formation and loan documents, by a single competent real estate associate in less than 300 total hours. This assumes a professionally-run real estate operating company client using off the rack corporate documents and a lender with an ongoing relationship with the operating company (i.e., the typical situation for clients buying smaller shopping centers). Throw in a couple of leases (extensions or renewals included) and add maybe 50 hours. One could handle 4 of these in 7 months without any help; add a junior associate to do the monkey work, and twice or three-times as many would be realistic.

Shape Shifter 05-08-2007 11:49 AM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Cletus Miller
The acquisition of a small shopping center (say 200,000 square feet or less, with one anchor tenant) can easily be handled, soup to nuts, including entity formation and loan documents, by a single competent real estate associate in less than 300 total hours. This assumes a professionally-run real estate operating company client using off the rack corporate documents and a lender with an ongoing relationship with the operating company (i.e., the typical situation for clients buying smaller shopping centers). Throw in a couple of leases (extensions or renewals included) and add maybe 50 hours. One could handle 4 of these in 7 months without any help; add a junior associate to do the monkey work, and twice or three-times as many would be realistic.
If you drilled down to a greater level of granularity, more time would be baked in.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 05-08-2007 11:50 AM

Am I Crazy

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I would rather look at her for the next seven years than Sarkozy.,0.jpg

Force de frappe indeed.

futbol fan 05-08-2007 12:04 PM


Originally posted by Gattigap
Nothing leaps to mind.

I like this one, too.
Not even the all-purpose "Weee are not amused"?

But I've seen that look before, in a nursing home from the random old lady in the hallway who thinks you might be someone who did them wrong back in 1923. They hate you, but they can't really be sure why.

Diane_Keaton 05-08-2007 12:10 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Cletus Miller
The acquisition of a small shopping center (say 200,000 square feet or less, with one anchor tenant) can easily be handled, soup to nuts, including entity formation and loan documents, by a single competent real estate associate in less than 300 total hours. This assumes a professionally-run real estate operating company client using off the rack corporate documents and a lender with an ongoing relationship with the operating company (i.e., the typical situation for clients buying smaller shopping centers). Throw in a couple of leases (extensions or renewals included) and add maybe 50 hours. One could handle 4 of these in 7 months without any help; add a junior associate to do the monkey work, and twice or three-times as many would be realistic.
This is just too much information about shopping center transactions and I needed coffee mid-read, thank you. Anyhow, the point is -- look at the resume big picture. He's waxing poetic (and in detail) about his employment at a job he was at for only 7 months. Figure the first month of learning the phones, computers, which secretaries put out and which partners to avoid, and then take off a month at the end of the 7 months for whatever bullshit went down to end the employment and now you have 5 months at a job. I think a sentence or two should suffice on a resume for that stint.

Shape Shifter 05-08-2007 12:11 PM


Originally posted by ironweed
Not even the all-purpose "Weee are not amused"?

But I've seen that look before, in a nursing home from the random old lady in the hallway who thinks you might be someone who did them wrong back in 1923. They hate you, but they can't really be sure why.
Oh, c'mon. He doesn't look that old.

Hank Chinaski 05-08-2007 12:20 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
This is just too much information about shopping center transactions and I needed coffee mid-read, thank you. Anyhow, the point is -- look at the resume big picture. He's waxing poetic (and in detail) about his employment at a job he was at for only 7 months. Figure the first month of learning the phones, computers, which secretaries put out and which partners to avoid, and then take off a month at the end of the 7 months for whatever bullshit went down to end the employment and now you have 5 months at a job. I think a sentence or two should suffice on a resume for that stint.
wouldn't weekly travel to anti-war rallies take up some time too?

Cletus Miller 05-08-2007 12:29 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
This is just too much information about shopping center transactions and I needed coffee mid-read, thank you. Anyhow, the point is -- look at the resume big picture. He's waxing poetic (and in detail) about his employment at a job he was at for only 7 months. Figure the first month of learning the phones, computers, which secretaries put out and which partners to avoid, and then take off a month at the end of the 7 months for whatever bullshit went down to end the employment and now you have 5 months at a job. I think a sentence or two should suffice on a resume for that stint.
Agreed. Listing each of the docs from the closing book index was my favorite.

Cletus Miller 05-08-2007 12:32 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
If you drilled down to a greater level of granularity, more time would be baked in.
I wanted to drop from the 40,000 foot level and get down to the short strokes.

sebastian_dangerfield 05-08-2007 12:40 PM

For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by Cletus Miller
Agreed. Listing each of the docs from the closing book index was my favorite.
His resume reads like one of those overwhelming five page menus at a restuarant that makes everything from gyros to sushi. It's varied as hell, and all shit.

I notice he's soon to be listing the Hair Club for Men on it as well.

sebastian_dangerfield 05-08-2007 12:50 PM


Originally posted by ironweed
Not even the all-purpose "Weee are not amused"?

But I've seen that look before, in a nursing home from the random old lady in the hallway who thinks you might be someone who did them wrong back in 1923. They hate you, but they can't really be sure why.
I am baffled as to why we kiss her ass the way we do. She's a doddering irrelevant novelty from a shotglass-sized gene pool.

If I'm going to worship for its genetic pedigree something that's sole job is standing around looking bored, it's going to be a supermodel.

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