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sebastian_dangerfield 07-12-2007 01:15 AM


Originally posted by Diane_Keaton
Okay, so one of the disqualifiers would be if someone got married because she or he desperately wanted to be married. First of all, that's hilarious as a legal standard. Second, WTF? Chick stays home, raises kids and puts hubby through law school and needs alimony to go back to school and stuff? Well, it turns out back then she desparately wanted to get married and raise kids, so she gets nothing, not even temporary alimony to go back to school. Anyhow, proposing a "wanted to get married and have kids desparately" standard is Aren't you a litigator? Jeesh.

As for disqualifying based on "marrying for any sort of economic gain", what happened to your being okay with a rich, fat, bald investment banker who marries a hot chick and he gets to have her "lie under him" and she gets his money? Rich fat bald guy should know enough to get a prenup. Fuck him.

Finally, about that friend who was "raked over the coals": don't assume he's a "prince" and that there isn't another side to the story.
1. You get married because you desperately want to be married, but don't love the person and you're an idiot. You deserve nothing. It's irrational.

If you get married to a person you don't love because you desperately want a kid, you're loathsome.

2. I didn't say I was ok with the fat bald guy using dough to get himself a hooker-wife. That's pathetic IMO. Call me a romantic. Or call me lucky enough not to be that fucking ugly and absent personality that I'd need to do that kind of pathetic shit. I agree with you - he should get a prenup. But the law should also fuck over golddiggers.

3. My friend is a prince. This isn't a two sided story. He got taken. Dicked. Hard.

sebastian_dangerfield 07-12-2007 01:17 AM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
  • Only today, Florida state Representative Bob Allen (R), who is co-chairman of McCain's Florida campaign, was arrested in a Titusville park restroom on charges of solicitation after he approached a plain clothes police officer and offered to perform oral sex on the officer for $20.

It's almost becoming Pythonesque. Good. The sanctimonious fucks deserve it.

And God Bless Larry Flynt!

Diane_Keaton 07-12-2007 10:15 AM

Though I think Moore's flick was lacking, his camp has had some clever comebacks to criticisms.

Repub candidate Mike Huckabee: "Frankly, Michael Moore is an example of why the health care system costs so much in this country. He clearly is one of the reasons that we have a very expensive system. I know that from my own personal experience," said Huckabee, who lost more than 110 pounds and became an avid runner after he was diagnosed with diabetes.

"I know how much more my health care cost when I didn't take care of myself than when I do take care of myself, not only in terms of doctor visits but regular diseases, illnesses, chronic things that come up, monthly prescription bills...All of those things have gone dramatically down since I've taken care of myself and worked to live a healthier lifestyle."

Producer of "Sicko":
"Looks like Mike Huckabee is auditioning for some insurance company dough, since he's raised just about no money and sparked zero interest since jumping into the race...I wonder what the good governor would say to the French, who drink more, smoke more, eat more cheese and still live longer than us despite paying less for health care?"

Huckabee: ""Let me ask you, have you ever met anybody when they were really sick say, 'Oh my gosh, I have a desperate disease. Get me to Havana, I've got to have the best health care in the world.'' Huckabee earlier told reporters that there should be a greater push toward insurance companies paying for preventive measures such as nutrition counseling and cancer screenings that would cut down on higher health costs in the future.

Sicko Producer: "No wonder the Republicans are in such trouble - their entire plan to fix the health care system in this country is to tell people to lose weight. Maybe if Mike Huckabee and his Republican friends stopped sucking up to health-insurance campaign contributors they wouldn't feel the need to blame Americans for this crisis. Just because he stopped eating Twinkies by the bushel doesn't make that an outline for a national health care plan. There's nothing worse than a reformed smoker - or Twinkie eater for that matter - preaching conversion."

Secret_Agent_Man 07-12-2007 11:19 AM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
  • Only today, Florida state Representative Bob Allen (R), who is co-chairman of McCain's Florida campaign, was arrested in a Titusville park restroom on charges of solicitation after he approached a plain clothes police officer and offered to perform oral sex on the officer for $20.

He offered to PAY to GIVE it?


The Congressman part is almost secondary. Damn!


Shape Shifter 07-12-2007 11:24 AM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Secret_Agent_Man
He offered to PAY to GIVE it?


The Congressman part is almost secondary. Damn!

He really, really wanted to suck a stranger's cock.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 07-12-2007 11:34 AM

HypocRRRRRites, Revisited

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
  • Only today, Florida state Representative Bob Allen (R), who is co-chairman of McCain's Florida campaign, was arrested in a Titusville park restroom on charges of solicitation after he approached a plain clothes police officer and offered to perform oral sex on the officer for $20.

Apparently, he sponsored legislation to address this issue , because Florida wasn't tough enough on people like him already.

Sounds like another Mark Foley wannabe. Where do you guys find all of them? Does Pat Robertson go to "those" online sites to recruit candidates for the Rs?

Replaced_Texan 07-12-2007 11:36 AM

HypocRRRRRites, Revisited

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Apparently, he sponsored legislation to address this issue , because Florida wasn't tough enough on people like him already.

Sounds like another Mark Foley wannabe. Where do you guys find all of them? Does Pat Robertson go to "those" online sites to recruit candidates for the Rs?
It sounds like a Florida problem. I'm suddenly worried about Jeb.

greatwhitenorthchick 07-12-2007 11:51 AM


Originally posted by sgtclub
Really? When was the last time you went out with a guy and expected to pay? Fuck that, when was the last time you went out?
This is anecdotal, but when I went out with my ex-boyfriend, I paid 90% of the time. He makes about 1/4 of what I do. It would be ridiculous to expect him to pay.

Replaced_Texan 07-12-2007 12:04 PM


Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
This is anecdotal, but when I went out with my ex-boyfriend, I paid 90% of the time. He makes about 1/4 of what I do. It would be ridiculous to expect him to pay.
It was pretty evenly split down the middle with my ex-boyfriend.

Tyrone Slothrop 07-12-2007 12:17 PM

No Comment Dept.

sgtclub 07-12-2007 12:24 PM


Originally posted by ltl/fb
About a month ago, and he made far less money than I do, and I paid for myself. The guy pays on the first date; after that it's more 50/50 or ability to pay. I guess that ability to pay for nice dates is one way to assess whether a guy is a good bet in terms of stability etc. but, hell, I'm never going to be a stay-at-home mom, so to me financial responsibility is more important than financial plenty.

Hot damn, you are an asshole aspirant.

I have had friends who have regarded dates with guys they weren't interested in as "free nice dinner" or who wouldn't "date a guy whose car isn't as nice as mine." To me, that's bullshit.
You are definitely in a small minority. I think most guys would agree that they are lucky to get treated every 6 dates or so, and most of the time it's breakfast. I'm not complaining and, in fact, I like paying - all I ask is for a "reach," just so I know it's appreciated. But to go back to the original point, our dating conventions are not very different from Sebby's prostitution analysis.

sgtclub 07-12-2007 12:27 PM


Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
This is anecdotal, but when I went out with my ex-boyfriend, I paid 90% of the time. He makes about 1/4 of what I do. It would be ridiculous to expect him to pay.
Again, you are in the minority. What about your current boy-friend? Or on your next first day, are you really expecting to pay? And wouldn't you be put off if the guy didn't pick up the tab?

Shape Shifter 07-12-2007 12:28 PM


Originally posted by sgtclub
You are definitely in a small minority. I think most guys would agree that they are lucky to get treated every 6 dates or so, and most of the time it's breakfast.
Translation: I get lucky one out of every six dates.


I'm not complaining and, in fact, I like paying - all I ask is for a "reach," just so I know it's appreciated.

Translation: My idea of getting lucky is a little different, which keeps my percentage down.

ltl/fb 07-12-2007 12:31 PM


Originally posted by sgtclub
Again, you are in the minority. What about your current boy-friend? Or on your next first day, are you really expecting to pay? And wouldn't you be put off if the guy didn't pick up the tab?
What an apropos question, as I believe she is going on her first date since the breakup tonight!

Your "I like paying" in the prior post is kind of at odds with the tenor of the posts leading up to it. You like the prostitution model? You don't think any woman would fuck you purely for the pleasure of it, or have dinner with you because she enjoys your company? Pity.

greatwhitenorthchick 07-12-2007 12:45 PM


Originally posted by ltl/fb
What an apropos question, as I believe she is going on her first date since the breakup tonight!

Your "I like paying" in the prior post is kind of at odds with the tenor of the posts leading up to it. You like the prostitution model? You don't think any woman would fuck you purely for the pleasure of it, or have dinner with you because she enjoys your company? Pity.
I am. Yay! And fwiw, I expect what will happen is that the check will come, I will offer to pay and he will say it's not necessary. On a first date, I wouldn't make a fuss and insist on paying or splitting it down the middle. It's tricky -- on the one hand, I would hate to be thought of as cheap, and again, I make more than he does (but we're almost even), but some guys take an insistence on splitting as an indication that the date didn't go well, and I wouldn't want to send that signal.

ltl/fb 07-12-2007 12:48 PM


Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
I am. Yay! And fwiw, I expect what will happen is that the check will come, I will offer to pay and he will say it's not necessary. On a first date, I wouldn't make a fuss and insist on paying or splitting it down the middle. It's tricky -- on the one hand, I would hate to be thought of as cheap, and again, I make more than he does (but we're almost even), but some guys take an insistence on splitting as an indication that the date didn't go well, and I wouldn't want to send that signal.
Exactly. We are as one on this.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 07-12-2007 12:52 PM


Originally posted by ltl/fb
Exactly. We are as one on this.
But can you get off giving head?

Replaced_Texan 07-12-2007 12:54 PM


Originally posted by ltl/fb
Exactly. We are as one on this.
2. I will note that I don't usually "date". I tend to stumble into relationships without there ever having been a first date, unless "one night stand" counts.

This could explain why I'm more often single than not.

ltl/fb 07-12-2007 12:54 PM


Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
But can you get off giving head?
I limited the extent to which she and I are as one. Geez. No, I haven't ever.

ltl/fb 07-12-2007 12:55 PM


Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
2. I will note that I don't usually "date". I tend to stumble into relationships without there ever having been a first date, unless "one night stand" counts.

This could explain why I'm more often single than not.
If you end up in a relationship, then it's not a one-night stand, is it?

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 07-12-2007 01:11 PM


Originally posted by ltl/fb
If you end up in a relationship, then it's not a one-night stand, is it?
The original post hoc!

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 07-12-2007 01:19 PM


Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
I am. Yay! And fwiw, I expect what will happen is that the check will come, I will offer to pay and he will say it's not necessary. On a first date, I wouldn't make a fuss and insist on paying or splitting it down the middle. It's tricky -- on the one hand, I would hate to be thought of as cheap, and again, I make more than he does (but we're almost even), but some guys take an insistence on splitting as an indication that the date didn't go well, and I wouldn't want to send that signal.
As a little experiment for the benefit of the board, can you out-and-out insist on paying tonight?

Now, clubby, should the guy be more interested because it's no longer just a financial transaction or less interested because once it's not a financial transaction he expects less? Or should Gwink lose interest because she's not gotten her dinner paid for?

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 07-12-2007 01:23 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
  • Only today, Florida state Representative Bob Allen (R), who is co-chairman of McCain's Florida campaign, was arrested in a Titusville park restroom on charges of solicitation after he approached a plain clothes police officer and offered to perform oral sex on the officer for $20.

From the above discussion, it is now clear. He was just looking to buy dinner.

notcasesensitive 07-12-2007 01:42 PM

The Elevator Says...
That GWB commented on the Libby thing by saying his decision to (what's the technical term here, I haven't really been following along) [commute Libby's sentence?] [pardon him?] was a "fair and balanced decision". Seriously? Can someone substantiate? That is awesome, if true.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 07-12-2007 01:48 PM

The Elevator Says...

Originally posted by notcasesensitive
That GWB commented on the Libby thing by saying his decision to (what's the technical term here, I haven't really been following along) [commute Libby's sentence?] [pardon him?] was a "fair and balanced decision". Seriously? Can someone substantiate? That is awesome, if true.
CNN does (scroll about half way down, to call-out on left

ltl/fb 07-12-2007 01:50 PM

The Elevator Says...

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
CNN does (scroll about half way down, to call-out on left
Would love to be a fly on the wall seeing the copious high-fiving at Fox News. Should we presume that Roger Ailes (sp?) was his main advisor on this move?

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 07-12-2007 01:50 PM

The Elevator Says...

Originally posted by ltl/fb
Would love to be a fly on the wall seeing the copious high-fiving at Fox News.
More than when they planted Tony Snow in the WH?

ltl/fb 07-12-2007 01:51 PM

The Elevator Says...

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
More than when they planted Tony Snow in the WH?
All part of one big plan, I would bet.

Apparently someone even commented on the "fair and balanced" characterization:

search "fair and balanced," duh -- it's a long-ass transcript. Funny!

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 07-12-2007 02:07 PM

The Elevator Says...

Originally posted by ltl/fb
All part of one big plan, I would bet.

Apparently someone even commented on the "fair and balanced" characterization:

search "fair and balanced," duh -- it's a long-ass transcript. Funny!
Wendell Goler, Fox News. He was complaining that Bush was going to let someone else ask a question. In yo' face, Fox News!

sebastian_dangerfield 07-12-2007 02:22 PM


Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
It was pretty evenly split down the middle with my ex-boyfriend.
I always try to pay when I'm out with any woman, because I am sexist.

sebastian_dangerfield 07-12-2007 02:25 PM


Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
I am. Yay! And fwiw, I expect what will happen is that the check will come, I will offer to pay and he will say it's not necessary. On a first date, I wouldn't make a fuss and insist on paying or splitting it down the middle. It's tricky -- on the one hand, I would hate to be thought of as cheap, and again, I make more than he does (but we're almost even), but some guys take an insistence on splitting as an indication that the date didn't go well, and I wouldn't want to send that signal.
If the date's really, really working, the combination of alcohol and thinking about fucking should wash these concerns away, shouldn't it?

bi-partisanship fairy 07-12-2007 02:36 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
  • Only today, Florida state Representative Bob Allen (R), who is co-chairman of McCain's Florida campaign, was arrested in a Titusville park restroom on charges of solicitation after he approached a plain clothes police officer and offered to perform oral sex on the officer for $20.

Hmm, in the spirit of anti-biased bi-partisanship, where's the beef here? Isn't this just a lifestyle choice? He didn't lie about the proposition under oath, did he?

I propose to my fellow board members that in an pre-election year election year cycle, we should try to stick with substancive issues rather than validating the media's pre-occupation with consensual sex or the pursuit thereof.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 07-12-2007 02:39 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by bi-partisanship fairy
Hmm, in the spirit of anti-biased bi-partisanship, where's the beef here? Isn't this just a lifestyle choice? He didn't lie about the proposition under oath, did he?

I propose to my fellow board members that in an pre-election year election year cycle, we should try to stick with substancive issues rather than validating the media's pre-occupation with consensual sex or the pursuit thereof.
Look at the nice bill he sponsored on lewd and lascivious behavior!

But for that bit of HypocRisy, who cares?

Shape Shifter 07-12-2007 02:40 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by bi-partisanship fairy
I propose to my fellow board members that in an pre-election year election year cycle, we should try to stick with substancive issues rather than validating the media's pre-occupation with consensual sex or the pursuit thereof.
Does this mean no more Monica stuff?

bi-partisanship fairy 07-12-2007 02:51 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Look at the nice bill he sponsored on lewd and lascivious behavior!

But for that bit of HypocRisy, who cares?
In the spirit of bi-partisanship and understanding, perhaps his work on that failed legislation convinced him of the error of his ways and evolved his perspective; and perhaps he was celebrating such perspectorial evolution when the arrest went down.


bi-partisanship fairy 07-12-2007 02:53 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
Does this mean no more Monica stuff?
To the extent that such stuff is irrelevant to the debate at hand, yes.

Tyrone Slothrop 07-12-2007 02:55 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by bi-partisanship fairy
...when the arrest went down.
So to speak.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 07-12-2007 03:14 PM

When it rains.

Originally posted by bi-partisanship fairy
To the extent that such stuff is irrelevant to the debate at hand, yes.
That's fine.

I believe such things are only relevant when the official involved has made a point of being holier than thou, sanctimonious, or self-righteous, and will limit my comments accordingly, assuming others can do the same.

sgtclub 07-12-2007 03:28 PM


Originally posted by ltl/fb
What an apropos question, as I believe she is going on her first date since the breakup tonight!

Your "I like paying" in the prior post is kind of at odds with the tenor of the posts leading up to it. You like the prostitution model? You don't think any woman would fuck you purely for the pleasure of it, or have dinner with you because she enjoys your company? Pity.
I like paying on dates for the same reason I like buying drinks for friends. It makes me feel good to do something nice for other people.

I frankly don't care why they are fucking me, as long as they are fucking me.

sgtclub 07-12-2007 03:29 PM


Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
I am. Yay! And fwiw, I expect what will happen is that the check will come, I will offer to pay and he will say it's not necessary. On a first date, I wouldn't make a fuss and insist on paying or splitting it down the middle. It's tricky -- on the one hand, I would hate to be thought of as cheap, and again, I make more than he does (but we're almost even), but some guys take an insistence on splitting as an indication that the date didn't go well, and I wouldn't want to send that signal.
Rule of thumb - just make the reach, don't insist. If you insist, he will think you're not into him.

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