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Fake, But Accurate
I'm not saying that the mistake is OK -- and, really, while it certainly could be a lie, it seems equally likely to me that he recalled that it happened on a military base in the Middle East and got the country wrong, though of course if you start with the assumption that he's lying then it's much easier to conclude that he's lying -- but what you and the right-wing nutjob bloggers are doing goes way beyond making a mountain out of a mole hill. I mean, who cares? I'm not defending the error, but I think the reaction to it is pathological. Quote:
Fake, But Accurate
Fake, But Accurate
Fake, But Accurate
Fake, But Accurate
I re-post this comment by "roger" because something of its tone will appeal to sebby:
One: This guy loses all respect immediately for referring to the fully debunked Lancet report - but whatever. Two: His point about us being preoccupied with Paris, etc, is noted, but is he really suggesting this star-fucking is restricted to the USA? England, Germany and Italy are just as, if not more, preoccupied with scandal rags than we are. Three: He refers to Americans as "the dumbest, smuggest, shallowest, morally challenged, naive, goofy and psychopathic people on the face of the earth". I laugh aloud, note our GNP, and the fact that everyone in the waking world would prefer to live here, even though they feel compelled to bitch about us. Four: This quote is the best: "Perhaps the accumulation of all this prosperity - through slaveholding, the theft of Indian lands synchronized with the massmurder, of the Indians, loose bankruptcy laws to bilk nineteenth century investors, sharp practices and shoddy manufactured goods - has simply led to a general social amorality and an ethos of boredom and illiteracy, instead of creating a New Jerusalem on the hill. It is more like a brothel run by Tinker Bell." Oddly enough, it was really the "enlightened" English and Dutch who started these practices. We seem to be okay, but look at them. But hey, that's not fair - they're Euro. Roger sounds like a 19 year old Cal student. |
I find it amusing to see this headline GOP hopes to make inroads with Hispanics on the day that this study is released Hispanics exceed Anglos in Harris County.
Hah. Texas is going to go Democratic by 2020 if not sooner, simply because of population shift. |
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
I haven't read it yet, but a friend tells me that this Vanity Fair will wreck Rudy's campaign if anyone reads it:
http://www.villagevoice.com/news/073...63,6.html/full |
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
aV |
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
I mean, we're cool with Villiage Voice or Vanity Fair lying, it's when you guys get CBS News going on the document fabrication stuff that we get a bit concerned. |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
turns out bilmore was right about global warming..
http://www.dailytech.com/Blogger+fin...rticle8383.htm bright side for the Dems? Bush is in charge of NASA so you can blame him for the mstake. |
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
there is some small rise in temperature, and we know it is catastophic BECAUSE we have had the hottest years ever in the last few years, because otherwise you don't have any bad effect. But now you don't, except you can ignore facts some more and keep up the charade. |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
I don't care if the hottest year was 1998, 1968 or 1928. I didn't know what they thought it was before and I didn't much care, because I can look around me and see what's happening. I'm glad you have a nice little gotcha blog to tell you everything is hunky dory. |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
Ty. Can we have a subboard with a test to get log on privelege? so weed, your point is that you don't change your mind when the evidence reverses on you, because you know what algore and them told you is true, even though big parts of it turn out not be true. I might just as well say "I don't care that ice caps are melting because I can look and see that it isn't as hot as it was 60 years ago." |
I was watching a history show about US and Japanese plans to invade/defend Japan.
In mid-1945 the US ordered 400,000 purple hearts in anticipation. We are still using them. No political point, just a surprising factoid. |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
Is your mindset so warped that you can't even be pleased that we didn't have thwe hottest year ever? You want the world to die, so you can sit and think "Bush was wrong!" Man, you have kids, right? |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
And Hillary will never attack his hero credentials because it leaves her open to attack from the people who blame her husband for not killing bin Laden in Afghanistan when he had the chance. Rudy's also got the hero pedestal whether he deserves it or not because it is already part of the general historical consensus. And digging into 9/11 is the last thing the Dems want to do. They can't win a debate on the security issue because, facts be damned, they are perceived to be the weaker party in that arena. Their best course is to avoid it and battle Rudy on the economy. If this election turns on security and foreign policy, the Dems will lose. They have a great hand in the economic malaise and populist call for wealth redistribution. That is where they should aim their money and efforts. |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
I gave up caring about it when Vanity Fair sent me the "Green Issue" a couple months ago. I don't know whether that's a win for the Right or Left but one thing's sure - just like the hopeless Palestine/Israel situation, I'm not reading about it anymore. I've been skipping that section of the Times since 1987. I can skip the "Green" section I'm sure the Sulzburgers are sure to add soon enough. |
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
The bigger stories are the ones emerging from North Carolina and California about attempts to piecemeal electoral votes. And bigger than that is Hillary morphing into her husband ans selling out the DailyKos, or "idiot" wing of the Dem party. |
record over your Al Gore videos, it's still good to recycle
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
On the next election -- and this may come as some shock to you -- we are fighting a war in Iraq, and it is going poorly. As a direct result, Republicans lost the House and Senate in the last election and President Bush's approval ratings are in the crapper. Carry on. |
Rudy Giuliani's Five Big Lies About 9/11
On the Iraq war issue, I disagree. The fact is, nobody with their fingers on any of the levers gives a fuck about the soldiers over there. Those guys largely fall into a category of anonymous lower to middle class backgrounds and none of the people debating the war even discuss them, except to use their deaths for emotional effect every now and again. And all that posturing looks as scripted and vacant as it is. The average ambitious American is more interested in taxes and debacles like the mortgage lending nonsense going on. You care about the soldiers, and that's too your credit. Most people only care about them in theory. I loath what that ass has done in Iraq, but the situation, and the people in DC - and those running - offer no credible solution, and I stopped watching or caring months ago for exactly that reason. Churchill called the place an unholy quagmire early in the last century, and he was right. It's a hopeless futile mess that will never end. If they institute a draft, then I'll care. And run myself into bankruptcy paying for my son to study in New Zealand for high school and college. I gave up having any faith in anything worthwhile coming out of DC a long time ago. We need to institute term limits. That's the only way. |
Note: The above is a completely non-substantive post. In. Your. Face. Note to note: the comment was not directed at RT individually. |
Nowadays, what powerful Texas Congressmen are there? KBH? Maybe. Lloyd Dogget? Perhaps. Shelia Jackson Lee? Ha. But it's not like Texans are running the show up there anymore. I of course blame Tom DeLay. His Republican World-Domination plan made it so powerful Dems in the state were targeted, to the detriment of Texas. |
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