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Alex_de_Large 11-24-2003 04:27 PM


Originally posted by baltassoc
In an interesting move, Schnader DC is apparently moving to new digs.

(free reg may be required)
Couldn't access the article. Did it provide motives? Does anyone know of the relative costs of the teo pwoperties in question? I wonder if the new plac eis significantly cheaper...?

baltassoc 11-24-2003 05:10 PM

From the article:


"The expanded space, the location itself and the aesthetics are all big advantages," says Schnader D.C. Managing Partner Martin Mendelsohn in a statement.

In February, almost half the D.C. office of Schnader Harrison left to become the founding core of Los Angeles-based Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton (

Until recently, Schnader Harrison and Sheppard Mullin were sharing office space at 1300 Eye St. NW. Sheppard Mullin has ballooned to 21 lawyers in Washington this year and has been looking to take over the space since it opened.
I don't know the buildings in particular, but based on location I wouldn't expect a siginicant difference in cost. It does have the advantage of not being uncomforatbly close to the people who just abandoned ship.

Alex_de_Large 12-04-2003 10:20 AM

The Morgan Lewis acquisition binge continues
MLB is adding a significant portion of Pennie & Edmonds' IP group to offices in Palo Alto and Washington, D.C..

baltassoc 12-08-2003 10:16 AM

Venable loses the head of its Rockville office to the Federal District Court for Maryland (free reg may be required).

I wish JFTS were around to give us some insight. Anybody know if he's around?

Alex_de_Large 12-16-2003 02:43 PM

Ballard Spahr to pay $5.8 legal malpractice settlement
Ballard has agreed to pay $5.8 million to settle malpractice claims alleging the firm failed to prevent losses in public pension funds in Pennsylvania and three other states.

spree: story from Phialdelphia Inquirer; where's th elegal on this one?!?

Alex_de_Large 12-17-2003 05:10 PM

Any word on bonus news in the PHL? My own firm has not released numbers, but I haven't heard much of anything from amywhere in the city. If you would like to submit information anonymously, PM me or e-mail

Alex_de_Large 12-22-2003 01:45 PM


Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Any word on bonus news in the PHL? My own firm has not released numbers, but I haven't heard much of anything from amywhere in the city. If you would like to submit information anonymously, PM me or e-mail

Ex_post_Festo 01-23-2004 02:23 PM

Move to 30th Street...

Any chance that associates will see better bonuses post '05 due to all that tax savings? After all, they have to eat in the lousy restaurants too, and pay city income tax to boot. (LvHB)

Alex_de_Large 02-09-2004 03:12 PM

McCarter and English
I am posting this on behalf of a regular (that term is relative on this board...) poster who wants to know about the Philadelphia office of McCarter and English. Any comments re work environment, pay, etc. would be appreciated.

baltassoc 02-10-2004 09:45 AM

Firm control structure
Interesting article from the Baltimore Business Journal on evolving administrative structures in big firms.

Interesting insight from Bill Reynolds. Anybody know if he's still of counsel at Piper (which one would think the artilce would mention, since Piper is a featured firm).

baltassoc 02-10-2004 09:46 AM

McCarter and English

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
I am posting this on behalf of a regular (that term is relative on this board...) poster
Thanks for outing me, man.

Alex_de_Large 02-10-2004 11:01 AM

McCarter and English

Originally posted by baltassoc
Thanks for outing me, man.
OK, maybe I should have specified "regular lurker" rather than "poster".

Anyone have any info?

Alex_de_Large 02-12-2004 10:16 AM

MLB sued
Morgan Lewis has been sued by its former clients who contend they were criminally prosecuted because they followed their lawyers' advice in carrying on trade with Cuba.

spree: link to news article

Alex_de_Large 02-13-2004 03:24 PM

MLB sued

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
Morgan Lewis has been sued by its former clients who contend they were criminally prosecuted because they followed their lawyers' advice in carrying on trade with Cuba.

spree: link to news article
Today's Legal (subscription required) has more on this story.

baltassoc 02-16-2004 11:26 AM

Dechert loses 30
Dechert loses it's immigration department:
(free registation may be required)

Any comments? Is this a portent of things to come, or is immigaration law just a practice that makes more sense in a smaller boutique firm?

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