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rugger1979 02-18-2004 09:29 PM

Anyone know Pepper Hamilton's reputation? QOL? Any info that you cannot get on website or NALP is much appreciated

baltassoc 02-19-2004 09:16 AM


Originally posted by rugger1979
Anyone know Pepper Hamilton's reputation? QOL? Any info that you cannot get on website or NALP is much appreciated
I've dealt with attorneys from Pepper Hamilton's Philadelhpia and Wilmington offices. They have always been professional, courteous and competent. I never heard complaints about the firm from them. Of course, such things can be driven as much by the particular partner / group to which one is assigned as to firm culture.

Sorry I don't have more information; it's all I've got.

baltassoc 02-20-2004 11:33 AM

Hangley under "attack"
There's a report on the "other" board that Hangley Aronchick is the victim of a phantom defecator. Apparently someone crapped in their hallway, but none yet knows who it is. This is one of the funniest things I've heard about in the Mid Atlantic legal community in years.

Anyone have any information?

Alex_de_Large 02-22-2004 08:15 PM

Hangley under "attack"

Originally posted by baltassoc
This is one of the funniest things I've heard about in the Mid Atlantic legal community in years.
Concur. That fucking rocks!

Anne Elk 02-23-2004 12:58 PM

Hangley under "attack"

Originally posted by baltassoc
There's a report on the "other" board that Hangley Aronchick is the victim of a phantom defecator. Apparently someone crapped in their hallway, but none yet knows who it is. This is one of the funniest things I've heard about in the Mid Atlantic legal community in years.

Anyone have any information?
My firm also had a "phantom defacator". Anyone else?

I always wondered about the logistics. Would the PD actually squat there to leave em's mark? Or would they squat elsewhere, collect and distribute? Or do they have a dog and prefer to get rid of the waste at the office?

Freakin' NA 02-24-2004 10:38 AM

Phantom Defacators
I was with one firm in Tampa that had one.
It turned out to be one of the oldest name partners in the firm that had drop one - the guy was becoming incontinent and dropped his load before making it to the bathroom.
The housekeeping staff walked out the second time and they tried to have the mailroom staff clean it up and they also refused. The building maintenance crew had to pick it up.
The best part was that the rugs had been laid down over the weekend and the 1st incident happened first thing Monday morning before everyone else came in and the Firm Administrator went ballistic and even offered a reward after the 1st incident.
He was caught the second time that same week (the day of the office party) 'cause he used his key card and was the only one in that early..
It just kinda died down Real Quick - and "swept under the rug" LOL - but I heard that the MIS guys tried to claim the reward cause they tracked it down using the sytem..

str8outavannuys 04-03-2004 12:58 PM

Sting Tickets
I've got Sting/Annie Lennox tickets for sale in Camden, NJ, and Pittsburgh, PA if anyone's interested. Face Value. Otherwise, I'll put them on eBay. Just send me a pm and let me know.

Alex_de_Large 04-05-2004 11:18 AM

Wolf Block focuses on Israeli clients
Wolf Block recently participated in a multi-day conference in Tel Aviv led by partner David Gitlin, who is chairman of the corporate/securities practice group and a member of the Israel bar.

SockofAges 04-05-2004 03:27 PM

New Jersey Office of LeBoeuf closing down. The announcement was made to the associates and staff in person by the New York office management on April 1. Unfortunately, it was not an April Fool's day joke. Apparently, all associates were offered the opportunity to go to the NY office and same with staff except they were also offered a "package" if they preferred that.

Merged into main thread by baltassoc.

Oliver_Wendell_Ramone 04-07-2004 06:44 PM

Question for the Pennsylvania folks
Anybody know anything about your newly former Secretary of Education, Vicki Phillips? She's just been hired to head my local school district.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 04-09-2004 07:15 AM

Buchanan Ingersoll
What's happening here? I've heard about significant departures in multiple cities during the last week.

soup sandwich 04-09-2004 08:03 AM

Question for the Pennsylvania folks

Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
Anybody know anything about your newly former Secretary of Education, Vicki Phillips? She's just been hired to head my local school district.
I know nothing about her, but if you go here and do a search for "Vicki Phillips" using the search function at the top, you'll get a boatload of articles.

Alex_de_Large 06-07-2004 12:02 PM

OK, so I will admit that I am not in the recently-published Pennsylvania SuperLawyers magazine, but I can't help but note that it is the biggest piece of self-congratulatory bullshit I have ever seen. That is all...

Alex_de_Large 06-18-2004 08:34 AM

So, the venerable plaintiffs' firm is officially no more. Sure, it was a badly-kept secret, but the way in which it was announced officially in yesterday's Legal (along with the chart listing where everyone is going) was just weird.

sebastian_dangerfield 06-18-2004 09:02 AM


Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
OK, so I will admit that I am not in the recently-published Pennsylvania SuperLawyers magazine, but I can't help but note that it is the biggest piece of self-congratulatory bullshit I have ever seen. That is all...
You just had to pay some money and they put you on the list. Its even less credible than when Philadelphia Magazine used to compile its 100 Best list. There are a lot of great lawyers in the list, of course, but its also populated (30% or so) with idiots who got their friends to give them a vote. All you needed was something like 5 votes and you were a "super lawyer".

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