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SlaveNoMore 11-07-2007 03:05 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Look, I just report the news. I find it odd that all the sexual deviants who get elected seem to be bible-belt Republicans.
I didn't realize that South Dakota and Idaho were in the so-called Bible Belt.

Or is this some strange side-effect of "global warming"?

ltl/fb 11-07-2007 03:06 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
I didn't realize that South Dakota and Idaho were in the so-called Bible Belt.

Or is this some strange side-effect of "global warming"?
I think from his ivory tower, all of flyover land is the bible belt.

Hank Chinaski 11-07-2007 03:10 PM

sweet, sweet irony

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
eta: My web-browsing habits similarly include sites with a variety of views,
Poll: is this the most unbelievable statement ever on the PB?

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 03:42 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
I didn't realize that South Dakota and Idaho were in the so-called Bible Belt.

Or is this some strange side-effect of "global warming"?

I stand corrected.

I find it odd that all the sexual deviants who get elected seem to be mainstream Republicans.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 11-07-2007 03:51 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
I stand corrected.

I find it odd that all the sexual deviants who get elected seem to be mainstream Republicans.
Who are the deviants? The guy who liked pageboys matches up favorably with Barney Frank. Larry Craig isn't deviant (He is not a deviant and has never been a deviant). He's gay, and closeted, so looks for sex where lots of closeted gay people do--anonymously in bathrooms. If you want to call that deviant, go ahead, but I suspect that's a pissing match few democrats would want to get in.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 04:02 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Who are the deviants? The guy who liked pageboys matches up favorably with Barney Frank. Larry Craig isn't deviant (He is not a deviant and has never been a deviant). He's gay, and closeted, so looks for sex where lots of closeted gay people do--anonymously in bathrooms. If you want to call that deviant, go ahead, but I suspect that's a pissing match few democrats would want to get in.
Go back. Click the link. Start there.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-07-2007 04:07 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Go back. Click the link. Start there.
If he was in his early 20s and not morbidly obese, I don't believe you would be calling him deviant. The most appalling thing about what he did was that he was abusing foster kids entrusted to him, but that doesn't make him deviant.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 11-07-2007 04:07 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Go back. Click the link. Start there.
I did. It sort of ends there. Or at least somewhere around slave's follow-up post.

ltl/fb 11-07-2007 04:12 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
If he was in his early 20s and not morbidly obese, I don't believe you would be calling him deviant. The most appalling thing about what he did was that he was abusing foster kids entrusted to him, but that doesn't make him deviant.
Wanting to do gyno-type exams on women/girls significantly younger, when he's kind of a father figure, is not an entirely harmless kink. Late 40s with 16-y-os?

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 11-07-2007 04:17 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by ltl/fb
Wanting to do gyno-type exams on women/girls significantly younger, when he's kind of a father figure, is not an entirely harmless kink. Late 40s with 16-y-os?
Look at him. Do you think it's a kink? Or the fact that a guy with his looks is getting some play only through major deception of innocents too unaware to figure out the ploy?

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 04:25 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Look at him. Do you think it's a kink? Or the fact that a guy with his looks is getting some play only through major deception of innocents too unaware to figure out the ploy?
You and Ty are scaring me.

Replaced_Texan 11-07-2007 04:30 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Look at him. Do you think it's a kink? Or the fact that a guy with his looks is getting some play only through major deception of innocents too unaware to figure out the ploy?
I think he probably gets off on playing doctor and that's a kink. Given the age and vulnerability of the people he plays doctor with, it's not a particularly harmless kink.

And I think that there are deviants, perverts, people who can't keep their pants zipped on both sides of the aisle, but Republicans, especially religious or conservative Republicans, are more exciting in sex scandals because they're the "values" party, so the R next to the perp's name gives off an aura of hypocracy on top of the general "oooh sex!" media hype.

Hank Chinaski 11-07-2007 04:38 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
I think he probably gets off on playing doctor and that's a kink. Given the age and vulnerability of the people he plays doctor with, it's not a particularly harmless kink.

And I think that there are deviants, perverts, people who can't keep their pants zipped on both sides of the aisle, but Republicans, especially religious or conservative Republicans, are more exciting in sex scandals because they're the "values" party, so the R next to the perp's name gives off an aura of hypocracy on top of the general "oooh sex!" media hype.
i think burger wanted affirmation that if you aren't very good looking it's okay to lie and deceive to get some sexual contact. after all, at the root, we are a support group.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 04:46 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
I think he probably gets off on playing doctor and that's a kink. Given the age and vulnerability of the people he plays doctor with, it's not a particularly harmless kink.

And I think that there are deviants, perverts, people who can't keep their pants zipped on both sides of the aisle, but Republicans, especially religious or conservative Republicans, are more exciting in sex scandals because they're the "values" party, so the R next to the perp's name gives off an aura of hypocracy on top of the general "oooh sex!" media hype.
Generally, yes, I agree with all this, but I'm not sure it's the full answer. There have just been so many Republican sex scandals in the last couple of years.

Is it all the repressed and self-righteous "Christians" seeing that pent-up sexual energy get twisted up inside? Is it the media zooming in because it's better press? I don't know. But anyone who thinks there is anything "normal" about a 49 year old married guy molesting his foster daughters, his daughters friends, and any other innocent teenager he can find lives in a world I want no part of.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-07-2007 04:47 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by ltl/fb
Wanting to do gyno-type exams on women/girls significantly younger, when he's kind of a father figure, is not an entirely harmless kink. Late 40s with 16-y-os?
Harmless? No. Healthy? No. Deviant? I wouldn't use that word, either.

SlaveNoMore 11-07-2007 04:51 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

[i]Is it all the repressed and self-righteous "Christians" seeing that pent-up sexual energy get twisted up inside? Is it the media zooming in because it's better press? I don't know.

If a Dem gets caught in a sex scandal, it gains no traction whatsoever.

Hell - as Clinton and McGreevey have proved - Dems prefer to be tarnished with a "sex" scandal than with fraud.

ltl/fb 11-07-2007 04:52 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Harmless? No. Healthy? No. Deviant? I wouldn't use that word, either.
The doing it with daughter figures may, to me, push it over the line to deviant. Incest qualifies as deviancy, and I think that, even like, step-brothers and step-sisters should really think carefully and be adults before getting it on. Sorry, Cher and Josh.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 04:57 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Harmless? No. Healthy? No. Deviant? I wouldn't use that word, either.
Did you guys end up getting that au pair? How is that working out?

Tyrone Slothrop 11-07-2007 05:08 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by ltl/fb
The doing it with daughter figures may, to me, push it over the line to deviant. Incest qualifies as deviancy, and I think that, even like, step-brothers and step-sisters should really think carefully and be adults before getting it on.
I agree with that, but in the situations I'm familiar with no one confuses foster kids for natural children, or even step-kids. What the guy did was totally wrong, no question, but I don't think it was "deviant."

Tyrone Slothrop 11-07-2007 05:10 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Did you guys end up getting that au pair? How is that working out?
I am not sure what you're referring to, so: no. If we did have an au pair, I wouldn't be banging her. Or him. But if I were, I don't think that would be deviant, either.

ltl/fb 11-07-2007 05:10 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I agree with that, but in the situations I'm familiar with no one confuses foster kids for natural children, or even step-kids. What the guy did was totally wrong, no question, but I don't think it was "deviant."
We can agree to disagree. They're distinguishable, but not so distinguishable to make it not a parent-child type of relationship. And he was deceiving them; under the circumstances presented, the girls were not consenting to sexual play. It's one thing for me to play gynecological patient with the noir boys, and another for me to undergo what I really think is a medical-type exam, but is not. That's at a minimum predatory, and maybe sexual assault, and to me predation and sexual assault are deviant. If he just fantasized about it, it might be different.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-07-2007 05:32 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by ltl/fb
We can agree to disagree. They're distinguishable, but not so distinguishable to make it not a parent-child type of relationship. And he was deceiving them; under the circumstances presented, the girls were not consenting to sexual play. It's one thing for me to play gynecological patient with the noir boys, and another for me to undergo what I really think is a medical-type exam, but is not. That's at a minimum predatory, and maybe sexual assault, and to me predation and sexual assault are deviant. If he just fantasized about it, it might be different.
I agree that the conduct you describe is deviant, but I don't think I'd refer to the person who does it as a "sexual deviant," which is how the conversation started. However, the more we parse the word, the less strongly I feel about it. Maybe whatever sexual urge the guy felt is not "deviant," but his conduct was.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 11-07-2007 05:47 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
If a Dem gets caught in a sex scandal, it gains no traction whatsoever.

How's your mayor doing these days? Reelected, right?

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 05:49 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I agree that the conduct you describe is deviant, but I don't think I'd refer to the person who does it as a "sexual deviant" ....
Ty, please.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 11-07-2007 05:49 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Ty, please.
Would you call a rapist "deviant"?

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 05:52 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Would you call a rapist "deviant"?
Are you looking to defend rapists? Or deviants? Or just Republicans in general? I can't keep it straight.

Tyrone Slothrop 11-07-2007 05:53 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Would you call a rapist "deviant"?
He would if it was a Republican rapist.

eta: stp

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 05:59 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
He would if it was a Republican rapist.

eta: stp
I'm sure the guy just wasn't good at math and thought it was supposed to be half MINUS 7 years.

Oh, wait.

sebastian_dangerfield 11-07-2007 06:33 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
The mind of a republican.
I am not registered Republican and have historically split my vote. In fact, I've voted for many Democrats.

Registered Libertarian, mostly out of disgust.

Oliver_Wendell_Ramone 11-07-2007 06:36 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield

Registered Libertarian, mostly out of disgust.
I'm sure all will be right in the world once your party gets us back on the gold standard. And gets rid of all those jack-booted thugs at Treasury.

SlaveNoMore 11-07-2007 08:43 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
How's your mayor doing these days? Reelected, right?
Gavin? He was caught this year, separately, in (i) sex, (ii) drugs and (iii) nepotism scandals.

And no one even bothered to run against him. Too busy protesting outside Pelosi's house, i guess.

To quote his own political strategist - "However many votes we get, we know the Bay Guardian will say it wasn't enough."


But it does lead to a second question, best expressed by local political consultant Mark Mosher, who asks, "What kind of a mandate do you have if you beat a guy named Chicken?"

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 11-07-2007 09:13 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Gavin? He was caught this year, separately, in (i) sex, (ii) drugs and (iii) nepotism scandals.
How very republican of him. :rolleyes:

Secret_Agent_Man 11-07-2007 09:58 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I agree with that, but in the situations I'm familiar with no one confuses foster kids for natural children, or even step-kids. What the guy did was totally wrong, no question, but I don't think it was "deviant."
Why do you bother to dispute about things like this?


P.S. You are clearly wrong, although your argument is so subjective that I cannot disagree.

Greedy,Greedy,Greedy 11-07-2007 10:03 PM


Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Gavin? He was caught this year, separately, in (i) sex, (ii) drugs and (iii) nepotism scandals.

And no one even bothered to run against him. Too busy protesting outside Pelosi's house, i guess.

To quote his own political strategist - "However many votes we get, we know the Bay Guardian will say it wasn't enough."
Yeh, yeh, yeh. He has a drinking problem and while he was splitting up with his wife slept with an attractive adult woman who worked for him and knew exactly what she was doing, but he didn't manage to violate any laws or even policies in the process. That's exactly like molesting teens under your care and your daughter's friends.

Exactly. The. Same. Thing.

(Hint - go back to Gerry Studds - the page may be taking down social security by now, but at least the teen page thing has some degree of comparability).

Hank Chinaski 11-07-2007 10:06 PM

Godwin does not play dice with the universe.

Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
JFC. You never seemed stupid before.
never? am i on ignore:( ?

sebastian_dangerfield 11-07-2007 11:13 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Gavin? He was caught this year, separately, in (i) sex, (ii) drugs and (iii) nepotism scandals.
I find his platform intriguing and wish to subscribe to his newsletter. (Hi Burger!)

sebastian_dangerfield 11-07-2007 11:16 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by Oliver_Wendell_Ramone
I'm sure all will be right in the world once your party gets us back on the gold standard. And gets rid of all those jack-booted thugs at Treasury.
It's like the GOP's nod to fundamentalists. The attraction for the Libertarian base is that the candidate be, at least to some small degree, crazy. And you can't lose your base.

sebastian_dangerfield 11-07-2007 11:20 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by ltl/fb
We can agree to disagree. They're distinguishable, but not so distinguishable to make it not a parent-child type of relationship. And he was deceiving them; under the circumstances presented, the girls were not consenting to sexual play. It's one thing for me to play gynecological patient with the noir boys, and another for me to undergo what I really think is a medical-type exam, but is not. That's at a minimum predatory, and maybe sexual assault, and to me predation and sexual assault are deviant. If he just fantasized about it, it might be different.
None of this would happen if we had cheap universal healthcare for these girls. That's the real tragedy.

Atticus Grinch 11-07-2007 11:43 PM

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln. And Ford has a better idea.

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
"What kind of a mandate do you have if you beat a guy named Chicken?"
A mandate is the only kind of scandal Gavin hasn't had, but chances are that's a matter of time.

LessinSF 11-08-2007 12:19 AM

Bad Reporter
The first two panels were worth it:

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