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directedverdict 05-02-2003 10:42 AM

The "other" board
has anyone noticed a lack of activity on the other board? I cant opent he page anymore?

evenodds 05-02-2003 10:47 AM

The "other" board
It's not you.

The infirm boards have been down all week.

brief_guy 05-02-2003 11:22 AM

Now, the only question is if anyone else has migrated over here.

Aloha Mr. Learned Hand 05-02-2003 12:02 PM

Infirm down
The other question is are they done for good, which despite everything that happened would be a shame...

Anne Elk 05-02-2003 12:54 PM

Infirm Down
Another question, why would they go down with no notice to their users?

LoneRanger 05-02-2003 01:47 PM

Seems very strange that only their GA boards are down but not their boards for Divorce, PI, etc.

If they stay down, maybe or one of the other popular legal sites will do a short story on it and refer people to this new board. I remember reading a story like that two or three years ago on one of those sites about people moving to the other boad from a "former other board." That's how I found it.

robustpuppy 05-02-2003 01:58 PM

Unlikely that GA Boards are gone
There was a fair amount of posting activity on a handful of the Boards - regional, clerks, students, etc. -- even though Big, Politics, and FB were dead. So it's hard to believe Findlaw would cut off those loyal users.

But, is it mere coincidence that the old Boards have been down since shortly after Thurgreed's recent post about wanting to amass a compilation of song parodies on the old Board?


Aloha Mr. Learned Hand 05-02-2003 04:00 PM

Infirm's Back Up
Post from SFTM saying they had an extended outage and they're up and running again...

brief_guy 05-05-2003 03:21 PM

Anybody out there?
I am only hearing the sounds of crickets. Is anyone out there? Anyone have anything to talk about? Gorgeous day down here.

Fencerider 05-06-2003 05:40 PM

Anybody out there?
Yeah Brief Guy,

I just got the first edition of the Colson Hicks Edison newsletter. What does anyone know about this outfit? It looks like they are handling super high-end plaintiff work and they’ve moved to Coral Gables. Are they on an expansion drive, prospects of diversifying offices nationally?


brief_guy 05-06-2003 06:24 PM

I think they only have 15-20 lawyers, so I would not be looking for them to expand out of Florida. Mostly large PI cases, and they get some big verdicts. They have been in the news lately because Ervin Gonzalez is involved in the big cemetery Menorah Gardens class action suit.

That is about all I know about them.

LoneRanger 05-09-2003 12:13 AM

I watched Ervin Gonzalez and Neal Hirschfeld (Greenspoon, Marder) argue motions for plaintiffs in that case. They could not be more different in style, but both were extraordinarily effective and they got everything they asked for. Judge Fleet paid them sincere compliments. About the only thing that was still pending was class certification.

Does anyone know whether Judge Fleet has ruled yet regarding class certification in Menorah Gardens?

brief_guy 05-09-2003 08:59 AM

Not sure. Knowing Fleet I would be surprised if he did not certify the class. Speaking of Gonzalez, he is always giving CLE lectures and is a pretty charismatic speaker.

notcasesensitive 05-12-2003 09:34 AM

South Beach
Any Florida lawyers have any tips on where to go (restaurants/bars/clubs) in South Beach? I've been once before, but it was a while ago. Interested in both good people-watching sites (Crobar seemed good for that last time) and cool, laid back spots...

Any suggestions?

evenodds 06-23-2003 11:50 PM

Exile family threatens to sue U.S.
From the South Florida Business Journal:

Exile family threatens to sue U.S.

Stephen Van Drake

A Cuban exile family this week threatened to force the United States into trade warfare with the European Union over foreign hotel chains that operate luxury resorts on 100 acres of prime oceanfront property Fidel Castro confiscated 43 years ago.

The Clinton and Bush administrations "have done their best to drag their feet," failing to enforce a law penalizing companies that traffic in stolen property, said Nicholas J. Gutierrez Jr. of Miami, lawyer for dozens of adult members of the Sanchez-Hill family, most of whom live in South Florida. Before Castro's takeover, the family owned 100,000 acres in Cuba.

The clan plans to sue the government in January, forcing the Department of State to deny U.S. visas to employees of Madrid-based hotel giant Grupo Sol Meliá under 1996 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act (known as the Helms-Burton Act).

The Sanchez-Hills would also sue Sol Meliá in Miami, seeking $100 million for usurping its land, Gutierrez said.

Sol Meliá operates five resorts on 30 acres of his clients' land, he said. The Spanish company manages a total of 20 resorts with 8,580 rooms in Cuba with plans to open its 21st property next year, said Monica Cerdá, Sol Meliá's Madrid communications director.

If the Sanchez-Hill family prevails, five other foreign hoteliers with five resorts squatting on 70 acres of family oceanfront property would probably settle, Gutierrez said.

But the winding road to reparations promises many detours and potholes, international lawyers and Cuban trade experts say. Helms-Burton has become a paper tiger, and it's unlikely the Sanchez-Hill family will see any dollars from Sol Meliá.

The Sanchez-Hills, and up to 300,000 Cuban-Americans must resolve their claims in Cuba once there's a new regime - not in Miami. Otherwise, South Florida's courts would logjam, they said.

Besides, the United States and Cuba must first settle 5,911 claims worth $15 billion by U.S. corporations against the island nation certified by the U.S. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, under the Cuba Claims Act of 1964 before lifting the embargo and normalizing relations.

Full text: (free registration required for web access)

TexLex 08-12-2003 01:27 PM

Chickens Lose Special Status in Fla. Town

City commissioners approved an ordinance last week to strip the fowls of protection under the city's status as a bird sanctuary, allowing the wandering birds to be captured and exiled from the city.....

......The city's 1922 bird sanctuary ordinance makes it illegal to kill, capture or even "annoy" any feathered friends.

LitiGator 08-25-2003 11:24 AM

Age Discrimination -- Florida
I read an article in today's paper about age discrimination cases.

Who specializes in this in Tampa Bay and Miami?

Does it look like this will be a growth area?

LitiGator 09-15-2003 10:53 AM

Florida Cases
This is a $3 MM arbitration award against Orkin.

For full story, check

Homeowner bests Orkin

ST. JOHNS COUNTY -- A St. Johns County homeowner recently won a $3 million judgment in an arbitration against Atlanta-based Orkin Exterminating Co. and its parent company, publicly-traded Rollins Inc.

The eight-day arbitration came nearly eight years after the plaintiff signed a contract with Orkin to rid his home of swarming termites. The three arbitrators hearing the case concluded that there was "clear and compelling evidence" that Orkin and Rollins failed to perform necessary repairs, failed to obtain permits for repairs, failed to treat the termite problem properly and failed to disclose to the homeowner the extent of the damage caused by the termite infestation.

Legal arbitrations aren't subject to Florida's Sunshine Law, so documents aren't public record. Alan Wachs, an attorney with Holland & Knight in Jacksonville who helped represent the plaintiff, made the arbitrators' findings available on condition the plaintiff's name not be disclosed.

Orkin contracts, including the 1995 contract that prompted this case, include clauses in which customers agree to take any legal complaints to arbitration rather than the court system. Wachs said arbitration cases can be expensive to pursue since complainants must pay not only a lawyer, but also a portion of the arbitrators' fees. That can discourage people from pursuing complaints against companies. In this case, the arbitrators ordered Orkin and Rollins to pay the plaintiff's attorney fees.

"Most consumers out there can't afford to litigate like Orkin," Wachs said. "My client was one of those few people who could stick it out 'til the end." West Palm Beach lawfirm Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart and Shipley served as lead counsel in the case.

According to the arbitrators' findings, the plaintiff originally contracted with Orkin in 1995 to rid his home of termites and repair damage. But swarms of termites kept returning each year through 2000, when the plaintiff hired a local contractor to oversee Orkin's work.

According to the arbitrators' findings, Orkin and Rollins represented to the plaintiff that his home was free of termite infestation when they knew or should have known that the home was not appropriately treated for termite infestation.

The findings also state that Orkin and Rollins maintained a compensation system for employees that gave them an incentive to breach the repair obligations contained in the guarantee given to the plaintiff. Repairs were superficial and were done without a permit, which was required and which would have led to inspections that would have revealed the superficial nature of the repairs.

"A building inspector would never allow [Orkin] to get away with simply patching the exit holes for the termites and plastering over it," said Chris Searcy, one of the lead attorneys representing the plaintiff.

The arbitrators also found that Orkin had not screened its subcontractors and permitted subcontractors who were on probation for felonies, to work in the plaintiff's home.

Such allegations aren't new to Orkin and Rollins. Last year, Westminster Associates of Charleston, S.C., won a $1.8 million judgment against Orkin for termite damage repairs to Planter's Walk, a 216-unit apartment complex Westminster owns on Jacksonville's Westside.

evenodds 09-22-2003 08:36 AM

Zimmerman, Shuffield, Kiser & Sutcliffe Split
15 of 49 lawyers are leaving to form ShuffieldLowman in Orlando.

"Charles Shuffield of Zimmerman, Shuffield, Kiser & Sutcliffe, fellow tax attorney Bill Lowman and real estate law veteran Lynne Wilson will create ShuffieldLowman.

The 59-year-old Shuffield wants to focus more on commercial law -- and says it is now or never, given his age. "It's the hardest decision I've ever made in my life to do this," says Shuffield, "but I felt ... I needed to do it now."

His leave-taking is an amicable one, he says, "strictly a business decision." "

More info at:

Anyone have any real information about this?

LitiGator 10-06-2003 10:01 AM

Greenberg Traurig to Tampa
Greenberg Traurig is moving into Tampa:

"We definitely want to be in that market, and we will be in that market," said Cesar Alvarez, president and chief executive officer of Greenberg Traurig.

The firm is seeking local lawyers whom it considers a good fit, both culturally and financially, he said.

Alvarez would not disclose or confirm which prospective Bay area firms it has contacted regarding a merger. Legal sector observers say Greenberg Traurig's usual staffing methods entail "cherry picking," or hiring away top lawyers from local firms.

"Normally we do not do mergers, but we have done some small ones," Alvarez said.
(free registration required)

leagleaze 10-06-2003 02:44 PM

New Mod for Florida
I would like to thank LitiGator for stepping up to take the challenge of bringing some traffic to the Florida board.

She's been trying on her own for a while, and I figured we might as well make it official.

LitiGator comes to us from Florida with some very high references from some of my colleagues here on the board.

Welcome LitiGator and again, thank you.

LitiGator 10-06-2003 02:49 PM

New Mod for Florida

Originally posted by leagleaze
I would like to thank LitiGator for stepping up to take the challenge of bringing some traffic to the Florida board.

She's been trying on her own for a while, and I figured we might as well make it official.

LitiGator comes to us from Florida with some very high references from some of my colleagues here on the board.

Welcome LitiGator and again, thank you.
Thanks very much, leagleaze.

I hope I can help getting some discussion started here about firms, salaries, and sports. I am sure someone lurking has an opinion about the Marlins, the Noles and the Canes.

If you have an opinion about the Gators, I'd prefer you keep that to yourself.

Just kidding!

Shape Shifter 10-06-2003 03:01 PM

New Mod for Florida

Originally posted by LitiGator
Thanks very much, leagleaze.

I hope I can help getting some discussion started here about firms, salaries, and sports. I am sure someone lurking has an opinion about the Marlins, the Noles and the Canes.

If you have an opinion about the Gators, I'd prefer you keep that to yourself.

Just kidding!
Rule with an iron fist. Power is the only language the filthy mammals understand.

LitiGator 10-06-2003 03:15 PM

New Mod for Florida

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
Rule with an iron fist. Power is the only language the filthy mammals understand.
Since I have lurked on Politics, I know you are right (and very funny!).

But shouldn't we avoid letting them know they are filthy mammals?

Bucco Bruce 10-06-2003 04:35 PM

Greenberg Traurig to Tampa

Originally posted by LitiGator
Greenberg Traurig is moving into Tampa:
(free registration required)
Interesting. According to the article, Greenberg is talking with Tew Barnes & Atkinson, a small firm in Clearwater that does a lot of work for US Home and other RE developers.

What's interesting is that Joel Tew set up his own shop a few years ago because (according to rumors) he doesn't play well with others. I am a bit surprised that a fellow who felt constrained at a Johnson Blakely would want to merge his little kingdom with an empire out of Miami.

Someone's Evil Twin 10-06-2003 05:37 PM

New Mod for Florida

Originally posted by LitiGator
Since I have lurked on Politics, I know you are right (and very funny!).

But shouldn't we avoid letting them know they are filthy mammals?
I've always liked Florida. I try to get there every summer for the heat. And Disney has a lovely little hellhole down there.

My only problem is the legal work. I've had the impression the economy is run by tourists and cocaine-addled Latins. The tourists would really bug me. And the work seems like mostly dealing with overpriced real estate, bizzaro international money laundering deals, and people you hope will die. Is there other stuff worth doing there for a spry and ambitious corporate lawyer who is willing to sell his soul?

LitiGator 10-06-2003 06:19 PM

New Mod for Florida

Originally posted by Someone's Evil Twin
I've always liked Florida. I try to get there every summer for the heat. And Disney has a lovely little hellhole down there.

My only problem is the legal work. I've had the impression the economy is run by tourists and cocaine-addled Latins. The tourists would really bug me. And the work seems like mostly dealing with overpriced real estate, bizzaro international money laundering deals, and people you hope will die. Is there other stuff worth doing there for a spry and ambitious corporate lawyer who is willing to sell his soul?
Sounds like somone's evil twin has been watching too many old reruns of Miami Vice.

Florida is home to many national and international corporations, so you can find plenty of work in Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami, West Palm, Tampa, etc. Just pick your preferred area and start searching!

Remember that no matter how long you've practiced elsewhere, you'll have to sit for the Florida Bar. It's Florida's special way of welcoming out-of-state attorneys.

Aloha Mr. Learned Hand 10-06-2003 06:57 PM

New Mod for Florida

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
Rule with an iron fist. Power is the only language the filthy mammals understand.
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

LitiGator 10-07-2003 09:28 AM

Investor Suits
The Miami firm of Tew Cardenas Rebak Kellog Lehman DeMaria Tague Raymond & Levine is suing Northern Trust on behalf of 10 plaintiffs:

"What Northern Trust did, Raymond said, was provide the same stocks to many customers regardless of the customer profile or risk tolerance. It also faced a conflict of interest, he said, in that it paid its employees more for selling stocks listed as preferred investments.

Northern Trust declined to comment specifically on Taylor's case, citing company policy. However, an attorney for the company said the case "is without merit and ... we intend to vigorously defend our position."

Heading South 10-07-2003 10:27 AM

Wanna be a gators fan
I'm seriously thinking about a move to Florida. My area is insurance defense. Do you think there is any market down there for that right now?


Oh, and how is the Florida bar? I hear it's pretty nasty.

LitiGator 10-07-2003 03:59 PM

Wanna be a gators fan

Originally posted by Heading South
I'm seriously thinking about a move to Florida. My area is insurance defense. Do you think there is any market down there for that right now?


Oh, and how is the Florida bar? I hear it's pretty nasty.
Insurance defense is still always strong. There are plenty of firms doing very well. It's such a big state you need to figure out where you'd want to live to know exactly how good the opportunities are.

The Florida Bar pass rate is lower than most other places, but it's not particularly challenging if you take bar review.

LitiGator 10-08-2003 09:53 AM

Gray, Harris & Robinson
Co-Founder Leaving Law Firm

Gordon H. "Stumpy" Harris, of the Orlando-based 175 lawyer firm Gray, Harris & Robinson, is leaving. He will open a practice with his son, Bruce Harris, and Kurtis T. Bauerle.

Heading South 10-08-2003 04:02 PM

Wanna be a gators fan

Originally posted by LitiGator
Insurance defense is still always strong. There are plenty of firms doing very well. It's such a big state you need to figure out where you'd want to live to know exactly how good the opportunities are.

The Florida Bar pass rate is lower than most other places, but it's not particularly challenging if you take bar review.

I'm really interested in the Tampa Area most specifically.

I hated bar review, but I guess if I am serious I'll have to suffer through again.

brief_guy 10-08-2003 05:12 PM

How old is he? That firm has been around a while. I have not been particularly impressed in my dealings with them (although I have not dealt with them that much).

brief_guy 10-08-2003 05:13 PM

Unfortunately, many of us have had to sit and take the Florida Bar when moving from other jurisdictions. It sucks, but I found that it was easier than New York's.

LitiGator 10-13-2003 09:32 AM

Out of State Bar / Insurance Defense

Originally posted by brief_guy
Unfortunately, many of us have had to sit and take the Florida Bar when moving from other jurisdictions. It sucks, but I found that it was easier than New York's.
Did you study from afar or sit once you got to Florida?

Heading South, insurance defense is still huge. Firms didn't ratchet up their personnel the way they did in other areas, so they haven't been hit by the same layoffs. Fowler White has a huge practice group, with more than 50 lawyers the last time I checked. They are part of the general Litigation Department. You can finf more information

TimeOut 10-13-2003 09:40 AM

Racial Discrimination in Housing?
I saw this in this morning's paper:

Neighborhood residents fight bylaws, say association is fostering racial bias

By Milton D. Carrero Galarza
Staff Writer
Posted October 11 2003

Miramar · Dozens of residents in a predominantly black Miramar neighborhood are accusing their homeowners association of secretly implementing new bylaws that could be used to discriminate.

Outraged, more than 94 minority owners in the 173-home Franklin Farms community, located near Douglas Road and Miramar Boulevard, have formed a coalition to reverse the new rules, which forbid residents from giving, leasing or selling their homes without the association's approval.

There are five minorities on the nine-member board that approved the rules change.

While such reviews are not uncommon, the association must disclose its criteria for approval, said Gary Poliakoff, whose law firm specializes in real estate law. Race, nationality, religion or disability cannot be considered.

But the association's president, Nancy Holloway, has refused to disclose the criteria to the homeowners, saying it is a "private thing" determined on a case-by-case basis.

There are no interviews. Race is not part of the application, "but if you can tell what color they are by their name, that's fine and dandy," said Holloway, a community activist known for helping the disadvantaged.

Cecil Wray, a Jamaican-American who is vice president of the association, says the board has no specific criteria, just a goal to keep out people of "questionable character."

The lack of criteria worries the homeowners, who fear the board might not let them give their homes to family members or sell them to a minority buyer.

The new rules come as Miramar undergoes a dramatic demographic change. Once an Italian-American enclave, today 43 percent of its 95,921 residents are black; 30 percent are Hispanic. It is the only city in Broward County to have a Jamaican-American majority on its city commission. The city has the only neighborhood in Broward where 75 percent of residents don't speak English as a first language.

The controversy erupted about six weeks ago , when Marlene Campbell, a black police officer, was cited for putting up a "for sale" sign in front of her house. Campbell said she has seen other signs around the neighborhood and thought Holloway was singling her out.

Heading South 10-13-2003 09:55 AM

Out of State Bar / Insurance Defense

Originally posted by LitiGator

Heading South, insurance defense is still huge. Firms didn't ratchet up their personnel the way they did in other areas, so they haven't been hit by the same layoffs. Fowler White has a huge practice group, with more than 50 lawyers the last time I checked. They are part of the general Litigation Department. You can finf more information

This is very helpful.

And I wonder, exactly what is questionable character?

I mean damn, you'd think they'd keep all the lawyers out right?

brief_guy 10-13-2003 04:23 PM

I studied after I started working and after I had moved down. It was extremely unpleasant. I worked all day, and studied at night and on the weekends. I was extremely tired there for a few months.

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