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Come on
Jump in, the water's just fine.
We know that sometimes coming to a space where everyone seems to already know each other can be a bit intimidating. As a result we have created this board, call it the warm and fuzzy board, a place to introduce yourself, get your feet wet, what have you. I will ask everyone to please refrain from flaming each other on this particular board. |
Even is shy
So I will introduce her. Meet Even Odds, she's young, she's hot, sorry boys she's taken.
But she loves short vacations and long walks on the beach. |
And Slave is a jack...
um, nevermind.
I read warm and fuzzy Board and thought it was a sweater joke. I think I'll just stick to the asbestos boards. not7yS |
Even is shy
We hope this forum will be a transition for new users and delurkers. Since so many new people have been registering for the site, we wanted to put in a place where you can get you get used to the feel and the flow without being immediately flamed as a Penske sock. (Penske, you know I love you.) As your hostess Leagl (young, hot, not interested in boys) will surely tell you, this is a wonderful community of people and we are happy to answer any questions you have. E/O |
Even is shy
Joking aside, people might say what's the big deal, just post. But not everyone is used to an online community, not everyone is sure how one works and not everyone is ready to dive right in. If you are new to online communities, uncertain about the dynamic of the board, this is a good place to start. You will find that different boards behave differently, and it never hurts to lurk a little while before posting on the busier boards such as the Fashionista board or Politics. The Regional and other boards are there specifically for you to ask for and offer information to one another. Law Talkers is part information, part gossip and part chat. Feel free to join in for any or all of the three. By the way, Slave No More is your host. And yes, he is always grumpy. |
Hi, glad to see a place to ask questions without getting flamed. Really enjoy the Boards, have been a lurker previously (have followed you guys all over the desert), but finally decided to join a while ago (though I mainly just read). I do have a question/suggestion; in reading the Fashion Board (too funny) there are a lot of abbrevations that I cannot figure out (i.e., NTTAWWT). Have tried Goggling information, but cannot find. Is there a way that you can put the most common abrevations some where so that they can be looked up for those "uninformed" readers like me?
By the way, love the Boards; lots of fun to read, maybe will post more (have posted on the "not-attorneys" board, but not much luck on getting others to join). Thanks Mucho Noworries here (or there) P.S. Is there a spell check option? Lousy speller, hate to have to look up every time. :rolleyes: |
Spelling here is optional, as you'll see throughout the FB. |
Answer = Seinfeldism
NTTAWWT = acronym for "not that there's anything wrong with that."
Common enough expression, particularly funny when used by Jerry Seinfeld and George Costanza when they're being interviewed by a cute female NYU reporter who thinks they're gay, and Jerry doesn't want her to think so because he's interested in her. Of course, if they were gay, it's NTTAWWT, but they're not. - NYT (local shrink/counselor for dissatisfied lawyers of all stripes over on the Ex-Lawyers board... newbies and lurkers welcome... of course, advice is worth what you pay for it!) Junkie |
Newbie Paradigm.
************************* Who is this? Is this really a new poster? He/she is breaking all the paradigms of new posters. S/he has not come in and posted long introductions, only to be ignored by eveyone, only to prompt him/her to whine about how eveyone is ignoring him or her, to which some gentle poster responds with the whole story about how this is a cocktail party and you need to mingle first blah blah blah. Alternatively, s/he has not come barging in with some outrageous post that alienates someone/everyone, causing everyone to pile on him/her with the most vitriolic of vitriols, in response to which s/he then post sixty thousand times a day, thus prompting a modified version of the cocktail party post blah blah blah. Anyway, I think you know what I am getting at. To my knowledge, none of the above has happened. So, is Anne Elk just a new name for an old poster? Have I missed the boat on this? If not, why are we not adhering to time-tested paradigms? I am pissed, and not in the good British sense of the word. |
For the record
I am not a sock.
-pc |
New Question
Feel dumb, have to ask: what does "TWAWWT" mean? (Am going to have a brand new vocabulary by the end of the month :D )
Gracias P.S. Question: Friend of mine is moving to NY (Brooklyn) native Michigandar (??); lived in CA for over 25 years, has heard horror stories that he won't find produce (or that it is WAY overpriced, not steller quality, etc., also has heard that there are no decent Mexican/Latin American restaurants, etc.). Anyone have any insights? Good places to frequent? Need the 411 on NY (Brooklyn). Thanks again :cool: NWH (HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY!) |
New Question
Good question, though. Maybe NS will weigh in herself on this. |
New Question
As for decent - we have the more restaurants here than anywhere else, so there are plenty of decent - if not fantastic - resturants in that genre. The cuisine may be different, however, as California-Mexicans tend to have their own fare. not7yS |
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