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Alex_de_Large 04-15-2003 11:56 AM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem
We just got a couple of these modems in for testing with our systems and they are the coolest. Unlimited wireless access for about $90 per month, about 64 kbps on a consistent basis. All in all, not bad.

The unit sticks out about 1" from the PCMCIA slot, which is no big deal, really. We allegedly have coverage in Sprint's entire footprint, which is ok in major metro areas. I have not used Sprint's phone services, though I have seen plenty of negative criticism. We'll see how reliable this is. For now, it's the coolest.

Alex_de_Large 04-18-2003 04:10 PM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
We just got a couple of these modems in for testing with our systems and they are the coolest. Unlimited wireless access for about $90 per month, about 64 kbps on a consistent basis. All in all, not bad.

The unit sticks out about 1" from the PCMCIA slot, which is no big deal, really. We allegedly have coverage in Sprint's entire footprint, which is ok in major metro areas. I have not used Sprint's phone services, though I have seen plenty of negative criticism. We'll see how reliable this is. For now, it's the coolest.
I am writing this post from the front seat of my car, traveling at about 75 mph. This is so fucking cool...

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 04-18-2003 04:14 PM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
I am writing this post from the front seat of my car, traveling at about 75 mph. This is so fucking cool...
Even cooler that it works. Pretty funny that your IT folks cut off your LAN-based access but set you up with a wireless modem that costs more and lets you surf on over here.

Alex_de_Large 04-18-2003 04:22 PM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Even cooler that it works. Pretty funny that your IT folks cut off your LAN-based access but set you up with a wireless modem that costs more and lets you surf on over here.
It is funny. They can't censor access through this connection because it all goes through Sprint's servers. And yes, the best part is that it delivers as promised...

evenodds 04-18-2003 04:32 PM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
I am writing this post from the front seat of my car, traveling at about 75 mph. This is so fucking cool...
Tell me you are in the passenger seat . . .

Alex_de_Large 04-18-2003 04:52 PM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem

Originally posted by evenodds
Tell me you are in the passenger seat . . .
I am a tech geek. I am not insane. My wife conveniently volunteered to drive. Besides, we're going to visit her parents, and she's all amped about it.

Alex_de_Large 04-18-2003 04:55 PM

The connections's been up and interrupted for about 1:20, and still going. This service is available on Sprint's entire footprint. At the risk of repeating myself, this is really cool.

evenodds 04-18-2003 04:55 PM

Sprint/Novatel wireless modem

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
I am a tech geek. I am not insane.
Given your most recent avatar, I had my doubts.

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 09-16-2003 06:10 PM

google toolbar

Originally posted by leagleaze
Just an FYI, Google has added a popup blocker to its toolbar. It works very well.

If you install it make sure you pick the option to NOT send information back to google.
Yes, it does work quite well (at least the beta did). Or use netscape, which has a blocker built in. Or, even better, Safari for Mac which has the best blocker of them all.

Alex_de_Large 09-16-2003 06:11 PM

google toolbar

Originally posted by leagleaze
Just an FYI, Google has added a popup blocker to its toolbar. It works very well.

If you install it make sure you pick the option to NOT send information back to google.
FYI, I installed that tool bar and, while it very effectively blocked popups, it made my computer (Win XP pro) very unstable. YMMV. One nice feature is the "Blog This" button for users of Blogger, which allows you to blog a page drectly from that page, without having to go to Blogger first.


Aloha Mr. Learned Hand 09-17-2003 08:55 PM

google toolbar

Originally posted by leagleaze

Here's a question, do you find your firms allow you to install things like this (or other browsers) or are you required to use what they install (or need to get permission to add things.)
We're required to use it, but they've installed the toolbar for us (188 pop ups blocked so far) and we use Postini to screen our e-mail for spam and viruses... Very effective.

Our IT guys are cool. Had a few beers with them a couple of times. I've told the story before, but the head of IT offered to hook up my mp3 player for me at work...

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 09-17-2003 10:24 PM

google toolbar

Originally posted by leagleaze

[1] Never tried it on a Mac. No clue if it works on Mac or not.

[2] Here's a question, do you find your firms allow you to install things like this (or other browsers) or are you required to use what they install (or need to get permission to add things.)

[3] Oh and Burger, have you tried Mozilla firebird?
On 1, doesn't work. It's for explorer for windows only (I assume you're still talking about google toolbar). Safari, the Apple browser, has an excellent pop-up stopper. google's works on the premise of calling up only one new page/window per click, so one click can't open a window and an ad, and no clicks can't open anything. Safari's works on a different premise: it won't allow a window to open from a different domain. Basically all pop-up ads are hosted at another domain (e.g., orbitz ads come from, not, so this excludes all ads. meanwhile, if a webpage calls for a pop-up from its own site, there's no need to hit ctrl.

2. Our IT is odd. Some install programs are blocked, others not. I don't know what the pattern is. If it doesn't work, I move on; if it does, I assume they would have blocked it if there was a concern. But I don't try to run illegal stuff (or even potentially so); the biggest annoyance is the block on a new quicktime plugin.

3. Not yet. I'll look into it. If I shoudl. Should I?

pretermitted_child 10-11-2003 05:41 PM

It's about 8 months after the Exodus, and the following domain names are still available:

pretermitted(pointing all of them to would be overkill, though.)child

Mmmm, Burger (C.J.) 10-16-2003 05:07 PM

iTunes for Windows
is now here

Come join us.

Alex_de_Large 10-16-2003 05:40 PM

iTunes for Windows

Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
is now here

Come join us.
I DL'd it and am running it on my computer at work under winXPpro. Very stable. It's virtually identical to the OS X version. ITunes music store is exactly the same as well. My one gripe is that it is a resource hog: it needs about 21 MB of RAM to run. Compared to thinner mp3 players like winamp (which uses 700 KB) it iTunes for windows is a pig.

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