Originally posted by Sidd Finch
Funny -- it's where the right loses me, with the notion that the government should be involved as family counselor, requiring a pregnant woman to talk to her parents, or requiring her to convince a judge that her relationship with her parents is such that doing so would place her in danger.
If a woman is mature enough to carry a child, she is mature enough to decide, on her own, whether or not to discuss it with her parents.
Women often have good reasons not to discuss this decision with their parents -- but neither the means nor the ability to convince a judge to grant an exemption, assuming that the law provides for a judicial exemption and assuming that the court is not stocked with conservative Christian judges who would never grant them.
If abortion is legal, then the government should not involve itself in the decision of what people discuss with their parents.
Sidd, read what I posted, 17 is pushing the envelope, because, yes, 17 year olds are arguably women. Read some of the statutes related to this. They don't make the distinction between women and not yet women. It's not the 17 year old I am talking about its the 10 year old.