Schnader SF
"Skeleton crew"? Having just seen "Pirates of the Caribbean," that image conjures up a pretty amusing picture. My reaction was the same as yours -- who knew they were in SF? Schnader's office here in the 'Burgh seems to be holding up fairly well -- a few departures, but also a few recent arrivals -- but in light of the problems elsewhere, I keep wondering when Schnader is going to join some of other recently departed firms in the Great BigLaw Beyond (although once SF is closed, it'll be down to five East Coast offices -- four, really, if you count Cherry Hill as pasrt of the Philly office -- and maybe that'll be focused enough to let the firm recover).
P.S. What's the deal with the Philly firms going with one name? "Dechert", "Schnader" -- soon it'll be "Morgan," "Drinker", "Duane" (OK, that makes the firm sound like your cousin from West Virginia, so maybe not), etc. Once that happens, I predict that Dechert will jump ahead of the pack once again by changing its name to "D" -- or maybe an unpronounceable glyph.
"Our opinions are at best provisional hypotheses."