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Old 05-04-2007, 05:50 AM   #34
Wearing the cranky pants
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For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Put this in your pipe and smoke it.

Why no one's brought a mail fraud charge yet I still can't figure out. I guess all the prosecutors figure its best not to piss on the firms they may have to work for if their political careers don;t work out...

We've all done it and those of us still practicing will still do so.
It is only an issue if a client is disgruntled. And, mostly, bar complaints relate to solo or small practicioners. Big firms work it out with their clients.

That said, maybe it is because I do insurance law complete with their billing guidelines and outside monitoring agencies (and the implicitly accepted ruses that get around them), billing a client my full time if I choose to work for them instead of sleeping while traveling for another client does not keep me on flights.

ETA: Slave wrote that - I, instead, would sleep on the flight for the benefit of client A, and work in the hotel room later that night rather than sleeping for the benefit of client B, so that I violated nothing. I am concientious that way.

Last edited by LessinSF; 05-04-2007 at 05:56 AM..
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