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05-04-2007, 10:10 AM
Hank Chinaski
Proud Holder-Post 200,000
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Corner Office
Posts: 86,132
For Those Full of Shit Enough to Deny Double Billing and Bill Padding
Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
The client's not disgruntled if the client can't find the fraud. If you apply the ".2 here, .3 there" rule you can hide 20 hours a month easily. Doesn't sound like a ton, but those little $60 increments here and there add up.
My favorite is the frivolous motion practice gig... If you need a 15-20 hours, just refuse to turn something over in discovery and come up with some semi-legitimate basis for doing so. The other side will flip out an send letters you'll have to reply to and then file a motion against you. Its best to do this with cases as far from the office as possible, to maximize travel time. Motion court's a blast. You get to sit around and read the paper, then argue, then drive back, listening to tunes and making a few phone calls. Kills a whole day and gets you out from behind the desk.
Another favorite is asking for tax returns in discovery. You can always say you need them to substantiate damages claims. Nobody turns them over without some motion practice.
Thank goodness you didn't go to dental school.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
Hank Chinaski
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