Originally posted by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
Maybe there's sanity:
- there is no documented evidence of verifiably hazardous side effects resulting from exposure to phthalates
But there are side effects -
Another class of chemicals that showed up in high levels in the Holland children is known as phthalates. These are plasticizers, the softening agents found in many plastic bottles, kitchenware, toys, medical devices, personal care products and cosmetics. In lab animals, phthalates have been associated with reproductive defects, obesity and early puberty. But like PBDEs, little is known about what they do to humans and specifically children.
CNN article
That said, any downsides to the iPhone? I currently have AT&T/Cingular coverage and even though my plan hasn't changed in the 10+ years I've been with them, I have had problems with dropped calls whenever I had a non-Nokia phone.