Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
*sniff* In my heart of hearts, I was really a Bill Richardson supporter, though I knew he was an unbelievable long shot. With the exception of immediate withdrawal, I tended to agree with him on everything, and I thought he had the best, broadest experience of any candidate running, Democratic or Republican.
I'm sorta hoping that he'll stick around in some capacity, maybe VP if Hillary and Barrak manage to piss each other off too much, because his experience would be damned useful in running the country.
If he got the nod, I'd probably vote for him, even if it cost me. He did have the whole package. Why he couldn't catch fire still confounds me. I guess it's because he's too low key and appears like just another fat white guy on the stage.
How a disgusting blight on humanity like John Edwards can remain in the race while Richardson is out baffles me. They Dems had a candidate who could have united a lot of people, could rebuild our international staturs better than anyone else on the stage and would reach out to a whole new voting block.
But instead of him their top picks are:
(a) a sleazy class warrior;
(b) the most divisive woman in political history; and
(c) a guy who's got next to zero experience.
Lovely. The left makes fun of Bush for eight years and then goes out and runs a pile of its own Bushes.