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Old 01-11-2008, 08:06 PM   #7
Patch Diva
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Please post or PM me your reasons

Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
(ii) my personal trust of her, which isn't something I can easily convince anyone else of. I first met her a long time ago, have seen her in several different settings, and thing she is fundamentally intelligent, thoughtful, focused and stable - all good traits for a President. I also think she is balanced - she's not doctrinaire in any way, much like her husband.
That's interesting. My personal lack of trust in her makes me very leery of her.

I have a personal flaw with trust: I tend to trust people too soon and if they break my trust, it is very difficult to get it back. This spills over from my personal life to other areas, including politics.

I've never met her; my trust issues are all things in the public record. I remember being really excited when Clinton was elected president. I thought having a very smart wife would be a plus.

I also suspect there was a least a little bit of right wing conspiracy against them -- the right had a serious hate on for those two. But there was just too much stuff for me to believe it was all made up. So it would be a real issue for me to vote for her because she and Bill lost whatever amount of trust I extend to politicians.
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