Originally Posted by Replaced_Texan
Age is definitely a factor because the strength of the immune system declines over time. And kids don't seem to be suffering from this at all.
HOWEVER, a strong immune system can also kill you. Some of the younger patients are undergoing what is called a cytokine storm, which is when the immune system goes into overdrive and doesn't stop. These patients do not have any underlying health conditions or indicia that they won't do well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4711683/
In 1918, MOST of the people who died were young and healthy (including one of my great-grandfathers and one of my great-uncles), and researchers think they were taken out because of the cytokine storm. In Covid-19, it seems to pop up in about 15 percent of the patients which is why there are so many stories of 35 year olds with no underlying health conditions not making it.
No one should be comfortable thinking that they're going to be fine if they get this thing.
Doc I know said the immunosuppressed they’ve been worried about are oddly doing well with it. They can’t figure out what in a person’s health profile triggers cytokine storm, but it tends to be feature in people with strong immune systems.
I heard a funny old saw the other day about how Spanish flu spared whiskey drinkers. But it actually could make some sense. If you batter the liver, you tamp down immunity. A healthy person who drinks, like many of us here, could be achieving perfect stasis.
And honestly, I see no option. I ride my bike, lift weights, then it’s straight to the gin, wine, champagne, and beer (I’ve rediscovered Belgians). WTF else am I going to do?