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Old 04-03-2020, 05:26 PM   #1031
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
I’m in a period where I’ll get calls, get bothered, but won’t get paid.

Consulting contract I had was frozen, which I expected.

I expect to come out this pulled in two directions. Public/private financing is going to be needed, so I should see gain there. And loan workouts should be numerous (lotsa folks thinking they can carry for the long haul w/o all their previous revenue about to get burned out of cash real quick).

This stimulus ain’t going to cut it. We need a giant national moratorium on obligations. That’s the only way this doesn’t turn into a disorganized shitshow where the fucked sectors take down the resilient sectors (it all overlaps in this mess).

Banks oddly seem to be doing an admirable job of stepping up and give people leeway. Pricks who get that leeway aren’t so kind to tenants in turn, unfortunately.
We need to run a roughly $20 trillion deficit this year (or otherwise have the Fed print basically that much money), with the government covering pretty much all obligations. If we can't have an economy because we have to stay home, the government needs to be the economy.

I understand that most of Europe has essentially done this, with the government cover all or much of payrolls while people can't work.
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