Originally Posted by Adder
You are entirely an illiterate idiot. The packaging is a low-quality transmitter, as I said, because it’s porous. It’s also unlikely to be sneezed or spit upon, because of normal food safety protocols. Also, people accepting it are likely taking greater than normal protocols, including washing their hands. The packaging argument is the same as the food argument, except for heat. The people working there aren’t trying to get you infected, even if they don’t have PTO.
You falsely asserted that people not getting it via obviously low risk means implies that airborne transmission is the primary route, because you have never had any judgment about anything.
Plastic is porous? Wax paper is porous? Unlikely to be sneezed upon? How would you know that? What kind of assumptions do you demand we believe?
Safety measures will make it near impossible for Covid droplets to be left on plastic packaging? Why? Because in your autistic rational actor scenario no exhausted restaurant worker accidentally sneezes on a plastic container?
Look, I know you’re grasping, and you sound like you’re drinking.
If you wish to stop proving you’re an idiot, and a pissy one, stop typing. These aren’t times for your ankle biting.