Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
You write this as if everyone is now sheltering in place and we are curbing the spread of the virus, when in fact it is still spreading and numbers are still growing. It would be easier to stomach your posture of hard truth-telling if you were really grappling with the hard truths.
YMMV. Here, we could handle a few more disobedients to accelerate reaching herd immunity. The beaches in FL are an experiment in how the disease works in a more spread out community exposed to regular high temps and sunlight. An imperfect analogue for the mid-Atlantic in summer.
If you think this country survives as a functional democracy without an incremental loosening, I don’t know where you’re living. You seem to want to argue with me. Your argument is with reality, with the cards you are dealt.
I hear this refrain a lot: The economy will open when the virus says it can.
Okay. Let me restate that: In 60 more days, at full lockdown, there’ll be no economy, and people will be in the streets anyway, rioting. You’ll have widespread social unrest.
Remember how you wanted to protect lenders? Lock this shit for 60 more days and you can throw your business model out the window.
Clock’s ticking. Pick your devil.