Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I think you have to differentiate between sectors. Health systems here pressed the governor (actually threatened to defy him) to resume elective procedures, as our bed and ICU capacity remained strong.
They're packed with patients. As are eye docs, dentists, orthos, derms, etc.
CPAs have been insanely busy through this, but most of that has been work from home. Don't know how lawyers are doing.
Seems that the necessities or borderline necessities are weathering this mess. The purely elective purchases (bars, restaurants, movies, certain retailers, etc.) are more challenged, or completely fucked (gyms, yoga studios).
I think the percentage drop in gdp from country to country will be the same because the elective purchases from nation to nation tend to be the same. The test for Sweden will be whether it resumes those elective purchases faster than the rest of the world.