Originally Posted by LessinSF
While at AIG, I was consulted when two plaintiff PI lawyers were arguing over their fee split of a policy limit settlement. They were both so irrational and argumentative, we filed an interpleader action. I hadn't even thought of the word "interpleader" since my civil procedure class. But I did get to hand deliver a $1 million check to the clerk of the court. And it cost them my attorney's fees, costs, and paying interest to the court.
Two cases I'll never take again:
1. Boundary or mineral rights disputes (it is impossible to settle cases involving dirt);
2. Fee split cases.
I was involved in two large fee cases where there were ethical charges raised (allegations money was plowed into operations where it should have remained in escrow). One judge made me bring accounting records to court. Thankfully, he made certain to read into the record that I was in no way at fault and just the lowly associate tasked with trying the case. The other case disgusted me enough that I told management I refused to continue to handle it.
The PI industry is like the entertainment industry. Can't trust a motherfucker, and everybody has alligator arms when it comes to paying out what they legitimately owe.