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Old 02-03-2021, 11:55 AM   #4251
I am beyond a rank!
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Wouldn't those people be closer to classical liberals than conservatives?

I've started calling myself a classical liberal these days.

Pro-gay marriage
Pro-saving the environment
Pro-privacy (extreme suspicion of the security state and internet barons)
Pro-law enforcement reform
Pro-justice reform

Neutral on religious rights (as long as they don't seek to impinge upon others, the religious are free to oppress each other in a consensual manner all they like)
Neutral on guns (background checks and bans on ludicrous assault weapons are fine)

Anti-most wokeism (people insisting where race is an issue it is the primary if not only significant issue, people who think 1619 holds water)
Anti-radicalism (rioters on right and left)
Anti-anti-science (people claiming there are 37 genders, climate change is a hoax, masks don't work, [insert other new age pseudoscience here])
Anti-anti-logic/reality (screwballs claiming one can have his or her "own truth," identity politics fanciers generally, those asserting empathy is the most important issue, conspiracy theorists of all sorts)

Conservatives insist on bullshitting each other and hewing to silly rules that are often built on rejection of science, logic, and fact. An old school liberal tries to see everything dispassionately, but with an eye toward greater inclusion, tolerance, and jettisoning the silly old rules. Barstool Conservatives seem to be an un-self aware and brash form of classic liberals.
He who cheers divided governance is not meaningfully pro any of those things.

He who thinks 1619 doesn't hold up...

He who thinks science says there are only two genders is scientifically literate.
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