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Old 02-05-2021, 10:26 AM   #4265
sebastian_dangerfield's Avatar
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by Adder View Post
He who cheers divided governance is not meaningfully pro any of those things.

He who thinks 1619 doesn't hold up...

He who thinks science says there are only two genders is scientifically literate.
Oh, bullshit. I'm as meaningfully pro as you.

Modern "progressivism" is largely performative. It's often a form of culture signaling. People like Portnoy, the subject of the article Less cited, are criticized despite being liberals because they don't fit the cultural profile that many people who call themselves progressives like to telecast. They're boorish, "bros," not effete in the manner a progressive with a NPR totebag would be.

Greenwald explained "progressive signalers" disdain for bros pretty well in a piece he did about Joe Rogan:

Rogan's left of almost everyone. But he's also unabashedly gruff. He violates the cultural stereotype of a progressive which people who are invested in branding themselves as progressives assiduously cultivate.

I am not a progressive. I am pro all of the things I cited above. By which I mean I am for them. But am I going to protest, perform? Become incensed? No. I simply have views. Like you. And like you, I do very little in regard to them but hold them.

I didn't say there are 2 genders. I said there are not 37. My punnet square indicates a number far below 37. And much of the science regarding new gender and sex theories, including the utterly ludicrous and scientifically indefensible rubbish that one's sex or gender is entirely a social construct, is not science at all. It's new age silliness packaged for credulous consumers who wish to talk about it in a cafe to telecast that they're enlightened.

I used to roll my eyes when that stuff would be said. For the past two years, I've just adopted the Gervais response - open mockery: "You're talking shit here. Total fucking shit. Get out of here with that."

And 1619 is a basket of facts mixed with bullshit, layered on the nonsense argument that slavery is the hub off which all spokes of American society developed and have turned. The Times has had to re-edit on the fly so many times in response to critics' citing errors that the paper doesn't even bother disclosing the edits anymore.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
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