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Old 02-05-2021, 12:11 PM   #4271
I am beyond a rank!
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Re: Objectively intelligent.

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Oh, bullshit. I'm as meaningfully pro as you.
When you back government that will not do those things, you are not pro those things, no matter what story you tell yourself. When you do not vote for government that will do those things, you are not pro those things, no matter what story you tell yourself.

I am not a progressive. I am pro all of the things I cited above. By which I mean I am for them. But am I going to protest, perform? Become incensed? No. I simply have views. Like you. And like you, I do very little in regard to them but hold them.
I do the one thing we all can and should do to make those things happen: vote for candidates that will vote to do them. (Among other things)

And much of the science regarding new gender and sex theories, including the utterly ludicrous and scientifically indefensible rubbish that one's sex or gender is entirely a social construct, is not science at all.
The actual science is fascinatingly complex.
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