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Old 09-02-2021, 07:48 PM   #44
Hank Chinaski
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Re: Implanting Bill Gates's Micro-chips In Brains For Over 20 Years!

Originally Posted by Replaced_Texan View Post
Re: HIPAA. I've never had a tweet go viral before yesterday. That said, plaintiff's lawyers routinely pay hospital staff for PHI. Not sure how this would be different.

There are more insidious parts of it:

* Imposes costs on defense COUNSEL if they do not prevail. And they must prevail in all points or else they have not prevailed. No costs on plaintiffs.
* That applies to challenges of ANY abortion laws in Texas.
* Can sue in any county in Texas and defense cannot change venue. Which means city docs and abettors are going to be hauled across to the most podunk, pre rigged counties in the state.
* Abet or INTENDS to abet an abortion.
* There's an emergency provision, but it's written in a way that we have to fucking wait for people to start bleeding out before we can terminate.

This is a diabolical, evil law that should have been struck down with prejudice. But given the make up of the Court, it's not surprising in the least.

We're going to have a lot more women die in childbirth. We're going to have a lot more bad babies. We're going to have a lot more OBs sued. The MFM docs are going to leave en masse.

And the legislature does not give a fuck. In fact, they're gleefully drafting more abortion restrictions as I type because they clearly got the go ahead from their buddies on the Court.

Biden should federalize docs, send down a fleet and open USA Abortion Clinics down here in all of the post offices.
I know it is no comfort short term, but the personal empowerment to be the plaintiff shit seems double unconstitutional (umm I basically took con law pass fail, but still). And I still distinguish/hope for a difference between granting an emergency stay and a reversal of Roe. I may be wrong, but I am still hopeful that they won't do such a reversal.
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts
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