Originally Posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Hank, of course, would have preferred to arm the police and teachers with tanks and automatic weapons. Like the police had at Ferguson.
Hank believes you need these things for normal traffic duty, too.
And if you don't arm the teachers, how are you really going to keep the well-armed kids in line?

So, if I am reading this thread carefully, Hank believes that even the most murderous of cops deserve not only to keep their jobs but also to get raises, and that the atrocities they commit warrant municipalities giving them MORE money and even honors or recognition. GGG, on the other hand, thinks that even the most violent crime situations, including those with active shooters in the process of taking innocent lives, should be handled by unarmed and ineffectual social workers.
I’m sorry guys, but I’m having problems adopting either of your positions.