Originally Posted by Replaced_Texan
I honestly don't know. I saw a bunch about it on Twitter and in national news, but I don't know if our local affiliates ran anything. I will say that video of the kids in the classroom escaping out of the window when the person trying to get in claiming to be a cop said "bro" was heartbreaking. That was via twitter.
FWIW, our papers are still focused on the Astroworld tragedy and what's going to happen to Carlos Correa. And lots on omicron.
Would you link the video you’re talking about?
NVM. Found if. Smart kids.
One of my partners lives a mile away (older kids). He has a friend with 2 daughters in the school. One girl was in the hall where he was shooting. Supposedly she was the only person there not shot. I can’t imagine how she will ever recover.