Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
People can disagree, I suppose, about the wisdom of the regulation in question, but it really isn't what the the Supreme Court should be deciding. As an exercise in statutory construction, it would have been an easy case except that that the conservative movement has made vaccines a hot-button issue. Conservatives who had no problems with vaccination requirements a few years ago have discovered lately that staking out the opposite position is a matter of vital principle. And so the conservatives on the Court were motivated, or obliged, or both, to construct a completely ridiculous construction of a decades-old statute. Everyone on the Court knows how to reason. That's not the problem.
But there is a separate problem with justices being fast and lose with the facts. We don't get to rip apart Thomas for his lack of even a passing acquaintance with facts in one case and then let liberal judges get a pass.
Facts matter. Rigorous analysis without facts is theology.