Originally Posted by Hank Chinaski
I don't usually reply to the same post twice, but rules R stupid.
I was at a Moth (hi Thurgreed!) storytelling show in Chicago. The club had a very strict mask required rule. The only exception? You could take it off when actively eating or drinking. It was a crowded bar. Everyone was "actively drinking" all night. Sitting two feet away from strangers.
When did I have to wear a mask? When I got called to tell a story. I was on a stage 5 yards from anybody telling a story and had to keep a mask on. Fucking stupid.
For immunocompromised me, this is the kind of thing I have to avoid. I walk in a place, assess whether or not they apply common sense, and if the answer is no I leave. But it's 90% common sense, 10% rules.
We need a rule to just be careful in a sensible kind of way.