Originally Posted by Hank Chinaski
I don't usually reply to the same post twice, but rules R stupid.
I was at a Moth (hi Thurgreed!) storytelling show in Chicago. The club had a very strict mask required rule. The only exception? You could take it off when actively eating or drinking. It was a crowded bar. Everyone was "actively drinking" all night. Sitting two feet away from strangers.
When did I have to wear a mask? When I got called to tell a story. I was on a stage 5 yards from anybody telling a story and had to keep a mask on. Fucking stupid.
It's mostly performative at this point. Rote compliance rather than thoughtful behavior.
There's a definite industry, however, invested in keeping a battle going between those with blase attitudes about it and those who remain vigilant. And also, of course, an industry invested in pitting vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers. Hence the Joe Rogan vs. Neil Young thing.
If you're not vaxxed, something's wrong with you. You can't properly assess risk. But I also don't care about you. Caveat emptor. You wanna traffic in conspiracy theories and paranoia? Have at it. I'm not masking up to save you. If I see you in the grocery store and I give you Omicron, that's on you.
And if you want to tsk tsk me about how I'd better be afraid of Omicron and act in a paranoid fashion, you'd do better to lecture the wall. I'm not terribly interested in engaging in your demonstration of what a concerned and selfless sort you are. We're both vaccinated, boosted, and I've had two variants of the disease, and We All Have or Will Acquire Omicron.
I love most of Neil's stuff, and I have iMusic, so his move means nothing to me. And I got bored with Joe long ago (he gets too high and meanders thru his interviews). The two of them, and the rest of the "Vaccine Controversy" and "Vaccine Piety" industries can take a walk. It's not interesting anymore. Like most of Joe's and Neil's recent work.