Originally Posted by Icky Thump
It’s also that dumb fuck boomers only know how to collaborate by walking around the office scratching their nuts. They don’t care about collaborating. Only keeping tabs on the people with ideas.
"Most larger companies are led by older, white men – the group that least values working from home and has been the most vocal about the need to return to office, according to Bloom’s research.
A June 2021 report from Deloitte shows that white men make up about 62% of the boards of Fortune 500 companies. Other research — including a May 2021 report from Future Forum, Slack’s research consortium — has shown that white men are the most enthusiastic group to return to the office.
“If you look at who the decision makers at the big firms are, they are usually older, non-minority men who have no young kids in the house,” Bloom explains. “If you’re a 55-year-old man that’s a CEO, it might be hard for you to understand how many of your employees really need hybrid/remote work.”
People of color and employees with young children tend to value flexible work arrangements at much higher rates, according to Bloom’s research. There’s several factors driving the gap between executive and employee perceptions on in-person work."
Let's unpack this, cause it's a rich fucking vein...
A lot of old white men are feeling their virility ebb. But they're silverbacks in the office. So a big part of the reason people have to commute is because fragile male egos desire to have their serfs around them. (And they hate their wives, and their wives and kids hate them.)
So... We're wrecking the environment, hampering productivity (WFH is 5% more productive), and torturing workers with needless commutes to satisfy boomers who can't deal with the fact that they can't turn a young woman's eye anymore and need Viagra to get a hard-on stiffer than a bratwurst?
I hate identity politics. But I'm going to make an exception. And I think it's an exception on which almost all people, from all political views, can agree:
Fuck Male Egos.
If you look at every unforced error, political, economic, international relations, through history, you will find one common malignant thread: The Fragile Male Ego.
From the walking sexual harassment suit down the hall who's still wearing monogrammed shirts, to the bankers in 2008, to the testosterone depleted neocons and their foray into Iraq, if you find a Giant Fuck-Up - I mean a seriously unnecessary, foolish, gratuitous, and monumentally damaging disaster - you will find... drum roll... White Male Boomers.
Fuck them. Their season is up, they've had a run they never deserved (on the backs of the Greatest Generation that gave them a great situation, which they've in turn made a shit show), and they need to go. If WFH takes their precious little fiefdom, where they can feel important, away from them, pushing them into retirement, well then the rest of the country needs to band together and in one voice demand:
No More Office! No More Appearances Just for Appearance's Sake! WFH For Good!