Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
It's a huge staffing problem at Ms Slothrop's hospital and ICU, and most of the patients there don't have COVID.
I will tell you the most heartbreaking thing, though, is the restrictions on visitors to the ICU. We are talking about family members of people who are dying, who are limited in getting to see them for the last time, because COVID. The people who want to pretend that the unvaccinated are only harming themselves should have to sit in on those conversations.
Get used to staffing issues. They’re bad everywhere. But if we’re the old Soviet Republic, your state is Pripyat.
The delta between transmissible load among unvaccinated and vaccinated is minimal. Right now, as to B.2 and Omicron Classic, it’s a difference of 29% household infection and 39%. And B.2 is even weaker.
The rest of humanity is moving on. And I’m closer to HC management than you (I was in a HC office dealing with non-mask wearers back in 2020, and I got the fucking thing, so sing your song elsewhere). You’re free to stay nuts, and good for you. You do you, the rest of us will do us.
And we don’t care about your judgment. No one does. But you. There. Which is partly why everyone is leaving.