Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
The indirect negative impacts on HC delivery are significant. People in hospitals are vulnerable. I agree that the unvaccinated are causing harm to people who are compromised, and they are taxing the HC system.
But this brings us back to the balancing. The overwhelming majority of people are not compromised, and not in the hospital, and are vaccinated. So you have the interests of Group A (the vulnerable, the involuntarily unvaccinated, and the intentionally unvaccinated), which is, let's say, 30% of society. Then you have Group B (the vaccinated), the other 70%.
I would say, rather than carp about mandates:
1. The intentionally unvaccinated be given lowest rung status in all health care systems (you didn't get the vaccine? enjoy the waiting room... you get a room only if we have one after all the responsible people receive care).
2. Insurers be allowed to deny coverage, or apply steep co-pays, for care provided as a result of an intentional decision to not be vaccinated.
3. Vaccine cards be required at all indoor settings. No exceptions.
You don't want the vaccine? Okay. We won't make you get it. But we'll put you on an island.
This would allow the 70% to go about their lives while protecting the vulnerable.
You're the person carping (whining, really) about mandates. Really, why not just suck it up, it's not a big deal to put on a mask.