Originally Posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Just catching up here. Is there a way to make RT's tweets show up twice and often and sebby's show up less? Can we have a "vote up" option?
It would really improve the common sense factor here.
Your developing better reading comprehension, which would preclude your arguing against a point that was not made, would be more productive.
And the suggestion you make here - that she and I are in disagreement of some sort - isn’t any more accurate than the misreading that led to your prior post.
I think you assume (or try to state regardless of accuracy) what I’m thinking because that would neatly fit into a binary argument. I’m usually not thinking what you think I’m thinking. And I’m not disagreeing with you.
The public messaging about Covid was a monstrous fuck-up. Much of that was Trump’s fault, but it was also the media’s fault, the experts’ fault, and the fault of two credulous audiences - the unlettered and dishonest skeptics, and the unlettered and annoying virtue signalers.