Originally Posted by Pretty Little Flower
What about the audiences who, while not unlettered, still engaged in denial and skepticism, claiming (for example) that the virus was not that big a deal, would be nothing more than a mild flu, and would cause at most 2-3,000 deaths in the U.S.? I’m not sure where they fit into your binary argument. Are they blameless? It seems like they should bear more fault than the “unlettered” — they should have known better.
They could not have held that view as of late March 2020 and been considered educated on the matter. I would call those people, at the outset, inaccurate prognosticators who later changed their views.
Those prognosticators who retained that view after the bodies started piling up in NYC cannot be considered educated, as to the virus, or probably, generally. They'd be delusional or mentally challenged.