Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I agree. The concept of consensus is lost. That was coined by either Lippmann or Galbraith. It was built on the flawed notion there existed an enlightened crowd who could formulate a best case scenario for all and sell it to everyone.
The internet eliminated the instruments by which these narratives, later noble lies, and finally, now, neoliberal propaganda, could be imposed on the broader public.
The lying and spinning predated Trump. He’s not a cause. Certainly an accelerant. But just a PT Barnum in a system we - me as much or more than many - helped to create.
We lied and lied and lied and papered it all over with debt. And it worked. And then along came the internet, and no one could lie anymore.
And no one trusted anything anymore after 2008. It looked and smelled rigged (because it is, no matter how much we all claim it’s a meritocracy).
The internet made it impossible for anyone to say anything and Make It Stick. Lies, truth, a mix of both… That’s all done.
And I don’t think it’s coming back in our lives. I think the fight we’ll see for the rest of our lives re: information is a battle over whether the state and media corps should be able to peddle lies and push narratives to create stability.
If I remember right, this discuss started with someone here on the board defending Rogan.
But given the exchange you're having with RT here, I think we're all agreed that people who spread false shit for internet fame are shits cashing in on a bad system.