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Old 02-16-2022, 10:01 AM   #544
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Greedy,Greedy,Greedy's Avatar
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Re: Implanting Bill Gates's Micro-chips In Brains For Over 20 Years!

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Anyone who rips Fox but asserts that CNN isn’t biased, or that MSNBC, WaPo, or the Times, aren’t biased, is complicit in peddling narrative.
this is so fucking tired.

Fox lies. They just outright lie, and when caught, they don't correct.

Set aside the "poor us, no body listens to poor conservatives like us who only spent a few hundred billion, maybe a trillion or two, dollars controlling most of the media viewed by old men and people who live in rural areas so we can whine about how the real slavery is masking..." Set aside that whiny crap that is 95% of what the right says these days.

They lie. About vaccines. They lie about race. They lie about immigrants. They lie about just about anything under the sun, and they double down when they are caught.

When MSNBC says something that gets called based on facts, they run a correction. They regularly apologize. They fix it like a rational reality based news source would. Sure, MSNBC has biases, no surprise there. But they still deliver reality based news. (Realize, you could read their news on twitter in 5 minutes instead of watching it cycle through for four hours at night on four different shows all repeating the same thing - it's not really deep news, but its news).

CNN, they just throw any old cock in the ring and watch them fight, that's just news as sports. That's why they've hired some of the sleaziest folks on the right. Sure, someone like Erin Burnett behaves like an actual journalist much of the time, but that's a small portion of their overall programming.

Your false equivalence is just more bullshit. Rogan got $100million for a heavily produced podcast with a big staff that spreads lies, he's as much an institution as any other media outlet. Do you really swallow that "poor Joey R" bs? Really? You'll swallow anything, won't you?

We don't need consensus. We need people who base views on reality to laugh at and dismiss the snake oil salesmen. As adults, our goal should not be to gain consensus with the toddlers, because they're just going to insist that we agree with them that nap time is bad.
A wee dram a day!

Last edited by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy; 02-16-2022 at 10:04 AM..
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