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Old 02-16-2022, 11:50 AM   #545
Pretty Little Flower
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Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy View Post
this is so fucking tired.
Hi! Tired of Sebastian’s interminable nonsensical blather? (Fun Fact: I caught the original version of Sebastian’s latest post, in which he stated something like: “Then then internet came and there were no more lies.” Ha!) Well, I present to you the Song of the Day. The song of the day will not be limited by genre, style, or anything else — it will be whatever song I wish to post on that day.

With Marci Gras a couple of weeks away, I went with a modern take on traditional Marci Gras Indian music. Popularized by bands such as the Wild Magnolias and Wild Tchoupitoulas, Mardi Gras “Indians” are actually African-American gangs/bands that dress up in hyper-flamboyant headdresses and outfits for Mardi Gras, Super Sunday, ands St. Joseph’s Day. Not entirely uncontroversial (some argue they have engaged in cultural appropriation; I also have a New Orleans musician friend who does not believe they should ever be seen in their traditional outfits outside of the days listed above), the music is hard to argue with. The 79rs Gang is the collaboration of the Big Chiefs of two rival gangs—the 7th Ward Creole Hunters and the 9th Ward Hunters—and blends elements of hip hop with traditional Mardi Gras Indian music. On Wrong Part of Town, the instrumentation is just a wild assembly of percussion, but it feels fuller than that, and pushes the music forward through verses warning of the dangers of being caught in, well, the wrong part of New Orleans.
Inside every man lives the seed of a flower.
If he looks within he finds beauty and power.

I am not sorry.
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