Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
There was no reality, ever, in which any nation (other than an island that intended to shut itself off from the rest of the world forever) could have locked down, waited for a vaccine, and then reopened and avoided spread of the virus. The endeavor is so flawed I find it amazing to be even having this discussion.
A country that shuts down and gets vaccinated saves a lot of lives, which is the real point. Yes, no one can indefinitely avoid the spread of the virus. But that doesn't mean so many people need to die. People are dying right now in China because so many old people didn't want to get vaccinated. They did a great job of buying time, but didn't use that time as well as they might have.
The only viruses we've managed to contain in the fashion you are advocating were MERS and Ebola. Why? Because they are very difficult to transmit from person to person. The virus most like Covid, SARS, spread significantly but had a limited lifespan in part because it was also far more difficult to transit than Covid.
Are you kidding? Ebola is *not* hard to transmit. But it is much more lethal and generally scares the shit out of people, so they take it quite seriously. All of the conservatives who have discovered principled reasons that the government shouldn't have public-health powers to combat COVID felt exactly the opposite when Obama was the President and Ebola was a thing. They did not give a single shit about individual civil rights -- they wanted everyone who might spread Ebola to be locked up.