Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
That's not Twitter's responsibility. That's not anyone's responsibility except for the nuts doing crazy things IRL.
The duty to "Combat misinformation" should not belong to platforms. They should be allowed to ban what they deem abhorrent or with which they do not desire to be associated. But they should not be compelled to act as "information quality control" for some ever shifting definition of society's best interests.
If people want to believe nonsense, that's on them. If they act badly as a result, we have law enforcement to address that.
This idea of pre-emptive avoidance of bad behavior via manipulation has a Huxley/Orwell stink to it. A kissing cousin intellectually to China's "Social Credit" policy. I think invoking Orwell is a Godwin's Law violation of sorts (not Huxley, who I think isn't appreciated enough), but here, that smell is so pungent its apt.
Which Orwell book are you referencing? Coming Up For Air? Keep the Aspidistra Flying? Down and Out In Paris and London?
I can’t think of a single thread that will tie those three.
Or do you mean Animal Farm and 1984? Because if that is what you mean than you are as poorly read as Ty himself.