Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
I was describing the stuff you say, not the stuff other people say. Lots of people have feelings and emotions. Very few people don't. The way you react to them has everything to do with the substance of their political views, relative to yours.
I don't have true "political" views. That's the point. I'm about as vanilla a moderate as you can find.
My only view is that people who think they know what's best for me and everyone else really, truly suck. All of we boring folks can sit around and horse trade over policies and reach consensus (give a little here, get a little there). We can be reasonable. But those who complain and those who seek to enforce their rules on the rest of us (and the Venn diagram of those two is nearly a circle... every malcontent assured he's got a law or regulation that'd make things perfect, as he defines it) are, basically, irritants.
Most of the people who really want to enforce what they think is best (their political views) are acting on feelings. Chiefly, arrogance and self-righteousness.
I fully understand the cancer I describe above cannot be extracted. That it is human nature for certain among us to desire power over others and to demand that their grievances be addressed, rather than working on their own to get around the problems that lead to to those grievances. We will never get rid of those who wish to be referee (and therefore should be disqualified from it) or wish to play to the referees. But that doesn't mean the observation shouldn't be made.